URL :-https://bombay-rosy.vercel.app/
The Admin Dashboard is a comprehensive web application designed to manage and monitor various aspects of a system. The frontend, built with React and styled with Chakra UI, provides an intuitive interface for users to interact with features such as user management, data visualization, and system settings. The backend, powered by Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose, handles API requests, data storage, and authentication, ensuring seamless communication and secure data handling between the client and server.
- View, approve, disapprove, edit, and delete user accounts.
- Fetch user data from an custom API endpoint.
- Display users in a paginated format for easier navigation.
- Filter users based on approval status.
- Upload and download user photos and resumes.
##Technologies Used##
- React.js
- Chakra UI
- React Icons
- FileSaver.js
- React Toastify
- Node.js
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- Express
- JsonWebToken
##API Endpoints##
- POST /api/users/register: Register a new user.
- POST /api/users/login: Login a user.
- GET /api/users/dashboard: Retrieve all users (Admin only).
- PUT /api/users/approve/:id: Approve or disapprove a user (Admin only).
- DELETE /api/users/delete/:id: Delete a user by ID (Admin only).
- POST /api/users/update/:id: Update user details.
##Admin Credentials##
Email:- bombay@gmail.com Password:- Bombay@123
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