This repo contains Dockerfile and instructions for setup and running gocounter as a dokku app.
Assume all commands are run from the instance where dokku is running with exception of Create app (from local)
code block.
If you don't want Postgres as database, you can ignore the steps, but note each time you deploy a new version, all data will be lost. I personally have a small Postgres instance running in AWS RDS for all my storage needs.
psql '<connection string>'
CREATE USER counter WITH PASSWORD '<password>';
git clone -b release-1.3
psql '<connection string>' -c '\i goatcounter/db/schema.pgsql'
git remote add dokku dokku@<dokku host>:<app name>
# this'll fail b/c $GOATCOUNTER_DB is not set, but it will still create the app
git push dokku master
dokku config:set <app name>GOATCOUNTER_DB='<connection string>'
dokku ps:restart <app name>
sudo docker exec <app name>.web.1 ./goatcounter create -domain <domain> -email <email> -password <password> -db '<connection string>'
dokku plugin:install
dokku config:set --no-restart <app name> DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<email>
dokku lets encrypt <app name>
Visit in a browser you and it should all just work.
Checkout to see it in action.