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Cloud/DevOps/Automation Engineer, Unix/Linux SysAdmin, Infrastructure Solutions Architect
- APlatform64: A:Platform64 is an automated infrastructure-as-code management platform based on Ansible for small to medium computing environments
- BashLib64: BashLib64 is a Bash library that provides a simple abstraction layer for developing multi-platform scripts
- GitOps64: GITOps64 is a working implementation of the GITOps methodoly intended to serve as a boilerplate for automated Kubernetes Application deployment projects
- Installer64: Installer64 is a collection of application installer scripts for reduced OS environments such as containers and CICD runners
- DevBin64: DevBin64 is a collection of devops scripts for maintaining code repositories and implementing CICD automation tasks
- Container64: Container64 is a catalog of OCI compliant container images for infrastructure management
- TestManSH: Simple tool for testing Bash scripts in either native environment or purpose-build container images