Information system of graph, actors, allocations of actors on the graph, generates an optimal allocation, evaluates its metrics, finds shortest path for an actor from one vertex to another
- generate an optimal allocation of actors on the graph
- evaluate metrics of the allocation
- find shortest path for an actor from one vertex to another
- extract active allocations
- extract all, by id, create, update, delete by id actors, vertices, edges, allocations
- provide REST API for the functions
Optimisation consists of two phases: evaluate vertex rank for actor based on Dijkstra algorithm to find shortest path using function of speed, speed limit, distance and vertex rank, create stable matches using Gale-Shapley algorithm to solve stable marriage/matching problem between actors and vertices according to their mutual ranks
- Java 8
- Spring framework (Boot, Web/MVC, Test, Actuator, slf4j/logback)
- Spring Data and JDBC with Apache DBCP (in different branches)
- SQLite
- Maven
- Git
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Insomnia REST Client
- Java Visual VM (profiler)