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Link Type Name Opt LN LMO P RMO RN LR RR Description full lhsLength
eq verb Self-Classify = y _ compare unique items against all items; consider using ``i.~ RN`` full 0 0
eq#dyadic verb Equal x = y 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, ``1`` if equal, ``0`` if not; to compare two entire nouns for equality, use Match ``-:`` full 251 x 2
eqdot copula Is (Local) =. private assignment, supports unpacking full 1 0
eqco copula Is (Global) =: public assignment, supports unpacking full 0
lt verb Box < y _ convert to boxed form, useful for heterogeneous arrays full 0
lt#dyadic verb Less Than A < B 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, wherever ``LN`` is less than ``RN``, return ``1``, else ``0`` full A 2
ltdot verb Floor <. B 0 largest integer less than or equal to ``RN`` full 0
ltdot#ComplexFloor verb Complex Floor <. D 0 see docs for the description full 0
ltdot#dyadic verb Lesser Of (Min) A <. B 0 0 the lesser atoms of arguments full A 2
ltco verb Decrement <: B 0 equivalent to ``RN - 1`` full 0
ltco#dyadic verb Less Or Equal A <: B 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, wherever ``LN`` is less than, or equal to, ``RN``, return ``1``, else ``0`` full A 2
gt verb Open > y 0 open boxed elements full 0
gt#dyadic verb Larger Than A > B 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, wherever ``LN`` is greater than ``RN``, return ``1``, else ``0`` full A 2
gtdot verb Ceiling >. B 0 smallest integer greater than or equal to ``RN``, equivalent to ``- <. - RN`` full 0
gtdot#ComplexCeiling verb Complex Ceiling >. D 0 see Complex Floor docs for the description full 0
gtdot#dyadic verb Larger Of (Max) A >. B 0 0 the larger atoms of arguments full A 2
gtco verb Increment >: B 0 equivalent to ``RN + 1`` full 0
gtco#dyadic verb Larger Or Equal A >: B 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, wherever ``LN`` is greater than, or equal to, ``RN``, return ``1``, else ``0`` full A 2
under noun Negative Sign _ as the first character of a numeric constant, acts as a negative sign full 0
under noun Infinity _ standing by itself, represents the value Infinity full 0
underdot noun Indeterminate _. a placeholder broadly comparable with NaN (not a number) full 0
underco verb Infinite 1 x _: y _ _ Infinity (``_``), whatever the arguments happen to be full [x] 4
plus verb Conjugate + B 0 complex conjugate of the number full 0
plus#dyadic verb Plus A + B 0 0 add two numeric nouns full A 2
plusdot verb Real / Imag +. B 0 decompose complex number into real and imaginary parts full 0
plusdot#dyadic verb GCD (Or) A +. B 0 0 logical OR (disjunction) between Booleans, no short-circuit; Greatest Common Divisor full A 2
plusco verb Double +: B 0 equivalent to ``2 * RN`` full 0
plusco#dyadic verb Not-Or G +: H 0 0 logical NOR (Peirce's arrow), equivalent to ``-. LN +. RN`` full G 2
star verb Signum * B 0 sign of the number; a point on the unit circle for complex numbers ``RN % | RN`` full 0
star#dyadic verb Times A * B 0 0 product of two numeric nouns full A 2
stardot verb Length / Angle *. B 0 convert a complex number to polar coordinates full 0
stardot#dyadic verb LCM (And) A *. B 0 0 logical AND; Least Common Multiple in general full A 2
starco verb Square *: B 0 square of numeric noun full 0
starco#dyadic verb Not-And G *: H 0 0 logical NAND, equivalent to ``-. LN *. RN`` full G 2
minus verb Negate - B 0 negate; don't confuse it with Negative Sign (``_``) full 0
minus#dyadic verb Minus A - B 0 0 subtract ``RN`` from ``LN`` full A 2
minusdot verb Not -. B 0 equivalent to ``1 - RN``; logical NOT for Booleans, complementary probability for interval [0, 1] full 0
minusdot#dyadic verb Less x -. y _ _ set difference; all atoms of ``LN`` that are not in ``RN`` full x 2
minusco verb Halve -: B 0 equivalent to ``RN % 2`` full 0
minusco#dyadic verb Match x -: y _ _ ``1`` if entire nouns are the same in shape and elements (but not necessarily type), ``0`` otherwise full x 2
percent verb Reciprocal % B 0 equivalent to ``1 % RN`` full 0
percent#dyadic verb Divide A % B 0 0 ``LN`` divided by ``RN`` (note, that ``(0 % 0) = 0``) full A 2
percentdot verb Matrix Inverse %. B 2 inverse matrix of square matrix ``RN`` or left inverse, if ``RN`` is not square full 0
percentdot#dyadic verb Matrix Divide A %. B _ 2 equivalent to ``(%. RN) mux LN``, where ``mux`` is ``+/ . *`` (see Matrix Product) full A 2
percentco verb Square Root %: B 0 square root full 0
percentco#dyadic verb Root A %: B _ _ the ``LN``-th root of ``RN`` full A 2
hat verb Exponential ^ B 0 the ``RN``-th power of e; the antilogarithm of a natural logarithm full 0
hat#dyadic verb Power A ^ B 0 0 the ``RN``-th power of ``LN`` (``0^0``, ``_^0``, ``1^_`` are equal to ``1``) full A 2
hat#stope verb Stope Function A ^ !.p B 0 0 equivalent to ``*/LN + p * i. RN``; the falling factorial when ``p = _1``; see [Stopes](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/samp28.htm) and [Power](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d200.htm) in Dictionary full A 2
hatdot verb Natural Log ^. y 0 natural logarithm full 0
hatdot#dyadic verb Logarithm A ^. B 0 0 logarithm of ``RN`` to the base ``LN`` full A 2
hatco conj Fixed Power 1 x u ^: n y _ _ apply verb ``LMO`` (or ``LN&LMO``, if dyadic) to ``RN``, ``RMO`` times full [x] u 6
hatco conj Fixed Power 1 x u ^: <n y _ _ apply verb ``LMO`` (or ``LN&LMO``, if dyadic) to ``RN``, ``(RMO)-1`` times, collecting results into a list full [x] u 6
hatco conj If 1 x u ^: h y _ _ conditionally execute a verb full [x] u 6
hatco conj Inverse, aka Obverse 1 x u ^: _1 y _ _ execute the [obverse](https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Vocabulary/Inverses) (usually the inverse) of a verb, "undo the effect of applying the verb" full [x] u 6
hatco conj Converge 1 x u ^: a: y _ _ apply the verb until the result stops changing full [x] u 6
hatco conj Converge 1 x u ^: _ y _ _ apply the verb until the result stops changing full [x] u 6
hatco conj Dynamic Power 1 x u ^: v y _ _ equivalent to ``(LN&LMO)^:(LN RMO RN)`` or ``LMO^:(RMO RN)`` full [x] u 6
hatco conj Do-While 1 x u ^: v^:_ y _ _ execute ``LMO`` repeatedly until ``RMO`` returns ``0`` or ``LMO`` returns its argument unchanged full [x] u 6
dollar verb Shape Of $ y _ shape of the noun full 0
dollar#dyadic verb Shape x $ y 1 _ reshape, return an array of items of ``RN`` whose [frame](https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Vocabulary/Glossary#Frame) is ``LN`` (if ``1 < #$RN``, consider ``$,``) full x 2
dollardot verb Sparse $. B _ convert a dense array to sparse (see [Dictionary](https://www.jsoftware.com/help/dictionary/d211.htm)) full 0
dollardot#dyadic verb Sparse a $. B _ _ a collection of functions for creating and handling sparse arrays full a 2
dollarco verb Self-Reference 1 x $: y _ _ recursion, denotes the longest verb that contains it (within a sentence); provide default value full [x] 4
tilde adverb Reflex u ~ y _ execute as a dyad with ``x=RN``, equivalent to ``RN LMO RN`` full u 2
tilde#dyadic adverb Passive x u ~ y ru lu swap the arguments of a dyad, equivalent to ``RN LMO LN`` full x u 4
tildem adverb Evoke m ~ the value of the name ``LMO``; works for non-nouns, in contast to ``". LMO`` full m 2
tildedot verb Nub ~. y _ remove duplicates items, return only distinct items; order preserved full 0
tildeco verb Nub Sieve ~: y _ boolean vector, ``1`` at positions of distinct items; ``~. RN`` is equivalent to ``(~: RN) # RN`` full 0
tildeco#dyadic verb Not-Equal x ~: y 0 0 compare corresponding atoms, ``0`` if equal, ``1`` if not; use Not Match ``-.@-:`` to compare two entire nouns full x 2
bar verb Magnitude | B 0 absolute value; magnitude, if the argument is complex full 0
bar#dyadic verb Residue a | B 0 0 the remainder when dividing a given number ``RN`` by another given number ``LN`` full a 2
bardot verb Reverse |. y _ rearrange the items in reverse order full 0
bardot#dyadic verb Rotate A |. y _ _ rotates successive axes of ``RN`` by successive elements of ``LN`` (positive - to left, negative - to right) full A 2
bardot#dyadicfit verb Shift A |. !.f y _ _ like Rotate, but use fill atom ``f`` to replace shifted out items full A 2
bardot#monadicfit verb Shift Right 1 |. !.f y _ equivalent to ``_1 |.!.f RN`` full 0
barco verb Transpose |: y _ reverse the axes (not the items!) full 0
barco#dyadic verb Rearrange Axes A |: y 1 _ the axes having indices ``LN`` become the new last axes full A 2
barco#More_Information verb Extract Diagonal (< A) |: y 1 _ extract a diagonal of the array full (< A) 6
dot conj Determinant u . v B 2 ``-/ . * RN`` is the determinant of the square matrix ``RN`` (space before ``.`` is required) full u 2
dot#dyadic conj Matrix Product A u . v B _ _ ``LN +/ . * RN`` is the inner product or matrix product; dot product of two vectors full A u 4
cor conj Def m : n define entities of all types (verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, nouns); see Direct Definition full m 2
NounExplicitDefinition conj Def 0 : 0 define a multiline noun (can be used as a multiline comment), a table full 0 2
cor conj Def 1 : 0 define a multiline adverb full 1 2
cor conj Def 2 : 0 define a multiline conjunction full 2 2
cor conj Def 3 : 0 define a multiline monadic or dual-valence verb full 3 2
cor conj Def 4 : 0 define a multiline dyadic verb full 4 2
cou conj Monad-Dyad u : v derive a dual-valence verb: verb ``LMO`` if called monadically, verb ``RMO`` if called dyadically full u 2
codot conj Obverse u :. v new verb that behaves as ``LMO``, but its obverse is ``RMO`` full u 2
coco conj Adverse u :: v run ``RMO`` if ``LMO`` fails (space after ``LMO`` is required) full u 2
comma verb Ravel , y _ flatten; a list of all atoms in ``RN``, in the display order of ``RN`` full 0
comma#dyadic verb Append x , y _ _ an array containing the items of ``LN`` followed by the items of ``RN`` full x 2
commadot verb Ravel Items ,. y _ a table where each row of the table comes from an item of ``RN`` (no-op for tables) full 0
commadot#dyadic verb Stitch x ,. y _ _ join each item of ``LN`` to the corresponding item of ``RN``; equivalent to ``LN ,"_1 RN`` full x 2
commaco verb Itemize ,: y _ an array of shape ``1, $RN`` with a single item ``RN`` full 0
commaco#dyadic verb Laminate x ,: y _ _ a 2-item array with reshaped and itemized ``LN`` as the first and ``RN`` as the second item full x 2
semi verb Raze ; y _ remove one level of boxing, concatenate the contents of the boxes into one long array full 0
semi#dyadic verb Link x ; y _ _ build up a list of boxed items (don't box ``RN`` if it's already boxed); heterogeneous arrays full x 2
semidot0 adverb Reversed u ;. 0 y _ reverse ``RN`` along all its axes, apply ``LMO`` full u 2
semidot0#dyadic adverb Subarray x u ;. 0 y 2 _ extract subarray of ``RN``, described by ``LN``, apply ``LMO`` (``];.0`` extracts w/o overtaking, unlike ``{.``); substring full x u 4
semidot1 adverb SelfIntervals u ;. 1 y _ split ``RN``, include frets (= first item, start of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full u 2
semidot1 adverb SelfIntervals u ;. _1 y _ split ``RN``, remove frets (= first item, start of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full u 2
semidot1 adverb SelfIntervals u ;. 2 y _ split ``RN``, include frets (= last item, end of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full u 2
semidot1 adverb SelfIntervals u ;. _2 y _ split ``RN``, remove frets (= last item, end of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full u 2
semidot1#dyadic adverb Intervals G u ;. 1 y 1 _ split ``RN``, include frets (where ``LN=1``, start of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full G u 4
semidot1#dyadic adverb Intervals G u ;. _1 y 1 _ split ``RN``, remove frets (where ``LN=1``, start of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full G u 4
semidot1#dyadic adverb Intervals G u ;. 2 y 1 _ split ``RN``, include frets (where ``LN=1``, end of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full G u 4
semidot1#dyadic adverb Intervals G u ;. _2 y 1 _ split ``RN``, remove frets (where ``LN=1``, end of an interval), apply ``LMO`` on each interval full G u 4
semidot3#dyadic adverb Subarrays x u ;. _3 y 2 _ apply ``LMO`` to each tile of a regular tiling of ``RN`` specified by ``LN`` full x u 4
semidot3#dyadic adverb Subarrays x u ;. 3 y 2 _ like ``LMO;._3``, except that the results from uncompleted tiles are not discarded full x u 4
semidot3 adverb Max Cubes u ;. _3 y _ special case of ``;._3``, where ``x`` holds the same size for all dimensions, given by ``(#$RN) $ <./ $RN`` full u 2
semidot3 adverb Max Cubes u ;. 3 y _ special case of ``;.3``, where ``x`` holds the same size for all dimensions, given by ``(#$RN) $ <./ $RN`` full u 2
semico verb Words ;: y 1 partition a string into boxed words according to J's rules for word formation; tokenize; split full 0
semico#dyadic verb Sequential Machine x ;: y _ _ partition a string ``RN`` according to the rules of a given finite-state machine defined by ``LN`` full x 2
number verb Tally # y _ count the items full 0
number#dyadic verb Copy A # y 1 _ ``LN`` controls how many times a corresponding item of ``RN`` appears in a new array full A 2
numberdot verb Base Two #. G 1 convert a binary list to an integer ``5 -: #. 1 0 1`` full 0
numberdot#dyadic verb Base A #. B 1 1 generalized ``#.RN`` to bases other than 2 (including mixed bases); weighted sum full A 2
numberco verb Antibase Two #: B _ binary expansion of ``RN`` as a Boolean list (two's complement form for negative numbers) full 0
numberco#dyadic verb Antibase A #: B 1 0 generalized ``#:RN`` to bases other than 2 (including mixed bases); modulo; quotient/remainder; whole/fractional full A 2
Inverses#ConvertToBaseX verb Base Inverse a #. ^:_1 B _ _ convert ``RN`` to fixed base ``LN`` (finds out length of the result automatically, unlike ``#:``) full a 2
bang verb Factorial ! B 0 factorial; generally, compute the [Gamma function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamma_function) of ``1+RN`` full 0
bang#dyadic verb Out Of A ! B 0 0 ``RN``-Combinations-``LN``; number of ways to choose ``LN`` items from ``RN``; binomial coefficients; [Pascal's triangle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal%27s_triangle) full A 2
bangdot conj Fit (Customize) u !. n lu ru variants of primitive verb: adjust comparison tolerance, fill atom, print precision, compensated sum, etc full u 2
bangco conj Foreign m !: n 0 0 [system functions](https://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/Vocabulary/Foreigns) full m 2
slash adverb Insert u / y _ inserts (dyad) ``LMO`` between the items of ``RN``; reduce full u 2
slash#dyadic adverb Table x u / y _ _ a table (if ``0 = #$LMO``) having entries ``a LMO b`` for every ``a`` in ``LN`` and ``b`` in ``RN``; equivalent to ``LN LMO"(lu,_) RN`` full x u 4
slashdot adverb Oblique u /. y _ apply ``LMO`` to the oblique diagonals of table ``RN`` full u 2
slashdot#dyadic adverb Key x u /. y _ _ apply ``LMO`` to each partition of ``RN``, based on keys from ``LN``; group by full x u 4
slashco verb Grade Up /: y _ permutation that sorts the items of ``RN`` into ascending order (stable sort) full 0
slashco#dyadic verb Sort Up [Using] x /: y _ _ apply to list ``LN`` the permutation that sorts list ``RN`` into ascending order; equivalent to ``(/: RN) { LN``; sort ``/:~RN`` full x 2
bslash adverb Prefix u \ y _ apply ``LMO`` to successive prefixes of ``RN`` of increasing length (the main use is in ``LMO/\``, e.g. cumulative sum) full u 2
bslash#dyadic adverb Infix a u \ y 0 _ apply ``LMO`` to successive (overlapping if ``LN > 0``) parts of ``RN``; sliding window full a u 4
bslashdot adverb Suffix u \. y _ apply ``LMO`` to successive suffixes of ``RN`` of decreasing length (the main use is in ``LMO/\.``, calculated in reverse order) full u 2
bslashdot#dyadic adverb Outfix x u \. y _ _ apply ``LMO`` to ``RN`` with successive (overlapping if ``LN > 0``) parts removed full x u 4
slashco verb Grade Down \: y _ permutation that sorts the items of ``RN`` into descending order (stable sort) full 0
slashco#dyadic verb Sort Down [Using] x \: y _ _ apply to list ``LN`` the permutation that sorts list ``RN`` into descending order; equivalent to ``(\: RN) { LN``; sort ``\:~RN`` full x 2
squarelf verb Same [ y _ return ``RN`` unchanged; equivalent to ``RN`` and to ``] RN`` full 0
squarelf#dyadic verb Left x [ y _ _ return ``LN``; separate assignments on the same line; useful in tacit verbs to get the value of ``LN`` full x 2
squarelfco verb Cap 1 x [: y _ _ in tacit phrase ``[: f g`` equivalent to ``g@:h``; domain error as monad or dyad full [x] 4
squarert verb Same ] y _ return ``RN`` unchanged; equivalent to ``RN`` and to ``[ RN``; useful to display assignment as in ``] z =: i:2`` full 0
squarert#dyadic verb Right x ] y _ _ return ``RN``; useful to separate two numeric atoms to prevent J treating them as a single list ``i."0 ] 3 4 5`` full x 2
curlylf verb Catalogue { y 1 combine items from the atoms inside a boxed list to form a catalogue; [Cartesian product](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartesian_product) full 0
curlylf#dyadic verb From A { y 0 _ select the item with index ``LN`` from ``RN``; index along multiple axes, select subarrays, etc with boxed ``LN`` full A 2
curlylfdot verb Head {. y _ the first item of ``RN``; convert a single-item list into an atom full 0
curlylfdot#dyadic verb Take A {. y 1 _ the first (last if ``LN`` is negative) ``LN`` items of ``RN``; if ``LN > #RN``, the result will have ``LN`` items (fill atoms added) full A 2
curlylfco verb Tail {: y _ the last item of ``RN`` full 0
curlylfcoco verb Map {:: y _ a map of a boxed noun ``RN`` (same box structure, but leafs replaced with paths); not the Lisp ``map``! full 0
curlylfcoco#dyadic verb Fetch x {:: y 1 _ a list of the contents of selected boxes in a boxed noun ``RN``; select from a deep structure (a tree) full x 2
curlyrt adverb Composite Item m } y _ ``LMO`` (of the same shape as an item of ``RN``) selects atoms from the corresponding positions of the items of a list ``RN`` full m 2
curlyrt#dyadic adverb Amend x m } y _ _ a copy of ``RN`` with the locations ``LMO`` replaced by new values ``LN``; modify positions full x m 4
curlyrtdot verb Behead }. y _ drop the first item full 0
curlyrtdot#dyadic verb Drop x }. y 1 _ drop the first (the last, if ``LN`` is negative) ``LN`` items full x 2
curlyrtco verb Curtail }: y 0 drop the last item; equivalent to ``_1 }. RN`` full 0
DirectDefinition control DirectDefinition {{ }} shorthand for writing [multiline] [nested] explicit definitions (verbs, adverbs, conjunctions, nouns) full 0
quote conj Assign Rank u " n apply ``LMO`` to each ``RMO``-cell (corresponding ``RMO``-cells, if dyadic); the most-used modifier in J (like a [nested] loop) full u 2
quotem conj Constant Verb m " n a verb with rank ``RMO``, that produces ``LMO`` for each ``RMO``-cell of its argument(s) full m 2
quotev conj Copy Rank u " v ``LMO"RMO`` and ``m"RMO`` are equivalent to ``LMO"n`` and ``m"n`` respectively, where ``n`` is the list of ranks of ``RMO`` full u 2
quotedot verb Do ". S 1 execute the sentence ``RN``, return the result; string to number (not safe, use the dyad) full 0
quotedot#dyadic verb Numbers a ". S _ _ convert a byte array ``RN`` (a string) into numbers with ill-formed numbers replaced by ``LN`` full a 2
quoteco verb Default Format ": y _ convert ``RN`` to a byte array (a string) full 0
quoteco#dyadic verb Format x ": y 1 _ convert ``RN`` (numeric or boxed) to a byte array (a string) formatted according to the specification ``LN`` full x 2
grave conj Tie (Gerund) u ` v combine verbs into a single noun to be used as an operand to a modifier (commonly used with ``/`` and ``@.``) full u 2
graveco conj Evoke Gerund m `: n _ _ turn a gerund into verb; ``RMO=0``, apply each verb separately; ``RMO=3``, equivalent to ``LMO/``; ``RMO=6``, verb train full m 2
at conj Atop 1 x u @ v y lv rv composition: apply ``LMO`` monad on the result of each application of ``RMO`` to each cell of the argument(s) full [x] u 6
atdot conj Agenda m @. n a verb defined by the ``RMO``-th atom from gerund ``LMO``; a train of verbs, if ``RMO`` is a list; boxes indicate parentheses full m 2
atdot conj Agenda 1 x m @. v y lv rv result of ``[LN] RMO RN`` used to select a verb ``w`` from ``LMO``, then ``[LN] w RN``; e.g. if-statement per cell full [x] m 6
atco conj At 1 x u @: v y _ _ equivalent to ``LMO [LN] RMO RN``; ``LMO`` is executed on the entire result of ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
ampm conj Bond m & v _ make a monad out of a dyad ``RMO`` by supplying the noun value ``LMO`` as the left argument of ``RMO`` full m 2
ampm conj Bond u & n _ make a monad out of a dyad ``LMO`` by supplying the noun value ``RMO`` as the right argument of ``LMO`` full u 2
ampm#dyadic conj Bond x m & v y 0 _ apply ``LMO&RMO`` to ``RN`` repeatedly ``LN`` times; equivalent to ``LN (LMO&RMO @ ] ^: [) RN`` full x m 4
ampm#dyadic conj Bond x u & n y 0 _ apply ``LMO&RMO`` to ``RN`` repeatedly ``LN`` times; equivalent to ``LN (LMO&RMO @ ] ^: [) RN`` full x u 4
ampv conj Compose 1 x u & v y mv mv apply ``RMO`` to each cell of each argument, then apply ``LMO`` to the results for each cell separately full [x] u 6
ampdot conj Under (Dual) 1 x u &. v y mv mv on each cell apply ``RMO``, ``LMO``, the obverse of ``RMO``; e.g. ``LMO&.>`` to apply ``LMO`` inside each box full [x] u 6
ampdot conj Semidual x u &. (a:`v) y mv mv same as ``LMO&.RMO``, but apply ``RMO`` only to ``RN`` full x u 4
ampdot conj Semidual x u &. (v`a:) y mv mv same as ``LMO&.RMO``, but apply ``RMO`` only to ``LN`` full x u 4
ampco conj Appose 1 x u &: v y _ _ apply ``RMO`` monad to each argument in its entirety, apply ``LMO`` to the results full [x] u 6
ampdotco conj Under 1 x u &.: v y _ _ apply ``RMO``, ``LMO``, the obvserse of ``RMO``; supports Semiduals; equivalent to ``RMO^:_1 [(RMO LN)] LMO (RMO RN)`` full [x] u 6
query verb Roll ? B 0 a random number uniformly distributed in a range determined by ``RN``; ``RN=0`` for floats in (0, 1); ``RN>1`` for integers full 0
query#dyadic verb Deal A ? B 0 0 select ``LN`` items at random (without repetition) from the list ``i.RN``; be careful if using it with explicit-to-tacit translator full A 2
querydot verb Roll / fixed seed ?. y _ like Roll, but the random-number generator is reset each time ``?.`` is executed; useful for reproducible samples full 0
querydot verb Deal / fixed seed x ?. y 0 0 like Deal, but the random-number generator is reset each time ``?.`` is executed; useful for reproducible samples full x 2
adot noun Alphabet a. a built-in list of all bytes; ASCII characters full 0
aco noun Ace (Boxed Empty) a: an atom consisting of the boxed empty list ``<0$0`` full 0
acapdot verb Anagram Index A. B 1 convert the permutation ``RN`` into its permutation number (anagram index) full 0
acapdot#dyadic verb Anagram a A. y 0 _ reorder items of ``RN`` by applying the permutation of length ``#RN`` with anagram index ``LN`` full a 2
bdot adverb Boolean 1 x m b. y _ _ a verb to perform logic on the bit(s) of ``RN`` (and ``LN``, if present); ``LMO`` selects the logic to apply full [x] m 6
bdot adverb Boolean 1 x m b. y _ _ ``LMO`` ``0`` to ``15`` (same for ``_16`` to ``_1``): logical function, truth table encoded by ``LMO``, e.g. ``1`` for AND, ``6`` for XOR, ``7`` for OR full [x] m 6
bdot adverb Bitwise 1 x m b. y _ _ ``LMO`` ``16`` to ``31``: bitwise logical function, truth table encoded by ``LMO``, e.g. ``17`` for AND, ``22`` for XOR, ``23`` for OR full [x] m 6
bdot adverb Bitwise Rotate 1 x 32 b. y _ _ left-rotate bits of ``RN`` by ``LN`` positions; use negative ``LN`` to right-rotate full [x] 32 7
bdot adverb Unsigned Bitwise Shift 1 x 33 b. y _ _ unsigned left-shift bits of ``RN`` by ``LN`` positions; use negative ``LN`` to right-shift full [x] 33 7
bdot adverb Signed Bitwise Shift 1 x 34 b. y _ _ signed left-shift bits of ``RN`` by ``LN`` positions; use negative ``LN`` to right-shift full [x] 34 7
bdotu adverb Verb Information u b. _1 linear representation of the obvserse of ``LMO`` full u 2
bdotu adverb Verb Information u b. 0 ranks of ``LMO`` full u 2
bdotu adverb Verb Information u b. _1 linear representation of the identity function of ``LMO`` full u 2
ccapdot verb Cycle-Direct C. B 1 convert the permutation ``RN`` between direct and cycle representations full 0
ccapdot#permparity verb Permutation Parity C. !.2 y 1 the [Levi-Civita symbol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levi-Civita_symbol) (ε) of ``RN`` full 0
ccapdot#dyadic verb Permute x C. y 1 _ apply the permutation ``LN`` to the items of ``LN`` full x 2
edot verb Raze In e. y _ a Boolean table comparing each box of ``RN`` (a list of boxed items) against each atom in ``;RN`` (the Raze of ``RN``) full 0
edot#dyadic verb Member (In) x e. y _ _ return ``1`` if item ``RN`` is in array ``RN``, otherwise ``0``; contains/includes full x 2
ecapdot#dyadic verb Find Matches x E. y _ _ a Boolean array (shape of ``RN``) indicating starting points in ``RN`` of subarrays equal to ``LN``; matching substrings full x 2
fdot adverb Fix u f. _ replace each name in ``LMO`` with a fixed value without name dependencies; doesn't work with explicit definitions full u 2
fcap conj Fold Multiple Forward 1 x u F:. v y process ``RN`` left-to-right with ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation), apply ``LMO`` on each item, return all; ``LN`` is initial arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
fcap conj Fold Multiple Reverse 1 x u F:: v y process ``RN`` right-to-left with ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation), apply ``LMO`` on each item, return all; ``LN`` is initial arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
fcap conj Fold Multiple 1 x u F: v y ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation) builds a sequence, apply ``LMO`` on each item, halt with ``Z:``, return all; ``LN`` is arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
fcap conj Fold Single Forward 1 x u F.. v y process ``RN`` left-to-right with ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation), apply ``LMO`` on each item, return last; ``LN`` is initial arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
fcap conj Fold Single Reverse 1 x u F.: v y process ``RN`` right-to-left with ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation), apply ``LMO`` on each item, return last; ``LN`` is initial arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
fcap conj Fold Single 1 x u F. v y ``RMO`` (a recurrence relation) builds a sequence, apply ``LMO`` on each item, halt with ``Z:``, return last; ``LN`` is arg to ``RMO`` full [x] u 6
hcapdot conj Hypergeometric 1 x m H. n y 0 0 sum ``LN`` terms of a generalized hypergeometric series; ``LMO`` and ``RMO`` describe the series full [x] m 6
idot verb Integers i. y 1 an ascending sequence of integers; shape is ``|RN``; a negative atom in ``RN`` reverses along corresponding dimension full 0
idot#dyadic verb Index Of x i. y _ _ find the first occurence of ``RN`` in ``LN``; return ``#LN``, if not found; for sorted lists of integers ``i.!.1`` is faster full x 2
ico verb Steps i: B 0 a sequence of integers from ``-RN`` to ``+RN``; ``b`` in a complex number ``(a j. b)`` gives the number of steps between full 0
ico#dyadic verb Index Of Last x i: y _ _ find the last occurence of ``RN`` in ``LN``; return ``#LN``, if not found (same as for ``i.``) full x 2
icapdot verb Indices I. H 1 indexes of all ``1``'s in ``RN``; equivalent to ``RN # i. # RN``; if an atom of ``RN`` is greater than ``1``, the index is repeated full 0
icapdot#dyadic verb Interval Index A I. y _ _ binary search; ``LN`` should be sorted (either in ascending or descending order) full A 2
jdot verb Imaginary j. y 0 multiply ``RN`` by ``0j1``, which represents the imaginary unit i; equivalent to ``0j1 * RN`` full 0
jdot#dyadic verb Complex x j. y 0 0 combine ``LN`` and ``RN`` into a complex number; equivalent to ``LN + 0j1 * RN`` full x 2
lcapdot verb Level Of L. y _ the greatest level of nesting of a boxed noun, or ``0`` if unboxed full 0
lcapco#dyadic conj Level At 1 x u L: n y _ _ the same box structure but contents of each box on level ``RMO`` (``0`` for leaves) modified by ``LMO`` full [x] u 6
mcapdot adverb Memo 1 x u M. y lu ru memoization; records only atomic arguments; user can't control the size of the table full [x] u 6
ncapbcapdot noun Comment NB. everything from ``NB.`` to the end-of-line (``LF``) will be ignored by the interpreter full 0
odot verb Pi Times o. y 0 π times ``RN`` given any number ``RN``; ``1p1 = o. 1`` full 0
odot#dyadic verb Circle Function x o. y 0 0 trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, their inverses; [The Story of ○](https://www.jsoftware.com/papers/eem/storyofo.htm) full x 2
pdot verb Roots p. y 1 convert the polynomial ``RN`` between coefficient and multiplier-and-roots form full 0
pdot#dyadic verb Polynomial x p. y 1 0 evaluate polynomial ``LN`` for given value(s) of ``RN`` full x 2
pdotdot verb Polynomial Derivative p.. y 1 the first derivative of a given polynomial ``RN`` full 0
pdotdot#dyadic verb Polynomial Integral x p.. y 0 1 the integral of a given polynomial ``RN``; ``LN`` is the constant of integration that will be added to the result full x 2
pco verb Primes p: y 0 the ``RN``-th prime (starting with ``2`` as the ``0``-th prime); the inverse ``p:^:_1 RN`` tells the number of primes less than ``RN`` full 0
pco#dyadic verb Primes x p: y _ _ a collection of prime-related functions of integer ``RN``, with ``LN`` selecting the function full x 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes _4 p: y _ _ the largest prime smaller than ``RN`` full _4 3
pco#dyadic verb Primes _1 p: y _ _ π(``RN``), the number of primes less than ``RN`` (same as ``p:^:_1``) full _1 3
pco#dyadic verb Primes 0 p: y _ _ ``1`` if ``RN`` is not prime full 0 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes 1 p: y _ _ ``1`` if ``RN`` is prime full 1 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes 2 p: y _ _ a 2-row table of the prime factors and exponents in the factorization of ``RN`` (same as ``__ q: RN``) full 2 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes 3 p: y _ _ the list of primes whose product is equal to ``RN`` (same as ``q: RN``) full 3 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes 4 p: y _ _ the smallest prime larger than ``RN`` full 4 2
pco#dyadic verb Primes 5 p: y _ _ the number of integers less than or equal to ``RN`` that are relatively prime to ``RN`` (Euler's totient function φ(y)) full 5 2
qco verb Prime Factors q: y 0 the prime factorization of integer ``RN``, listed in ascending order; same as ``3 p: RN`` full 0
qco#dyadic verb Prime Exponents x q: y 0 0 primes and exponentes in the factorization of ``RN``; ``LN>0``, the leading exponents; ``LN<0``, table, trailing, zeros excluded full x 2
rdot verb Angle r. y 0 angle ``RN`` (in radians), expressed as a unit vector in the complex plane full 0
rdot#dyadic verb Polar x r. y 0 0 like monadic ``(r.)``, but with a scaling factor ``LN``; equivalent to ``LN * (r. RN)`` full x 2
sco verb Symbol s: y _ intern a boxed string; some operations on symbols are faster, than on boxed strings (search, comparison) full 0
sco#dyadic verb Symbol x s: y _ _ verbs for working with symbol sets: table of symbols, store/restore the global symbols data, etc full x 2
scapco conj Spread 1 x u S: n y _ _ apply ``LMO`` to contents of each box on level ``RMO`` (``0`` for leaves), collect results into an array (compare with ``L:``) full [x] u 6
uco verb Unicode u: y _ convert an integer ``RN`` to the unicode character having ``RN`` as its code point; convert a character to unicode precision full 0
uco#dyadic verb Unicode x u: y _ _ convert between numbers, character precisions and encodings according to the Unicode and UTF-8 standards full x 2
xco verb Extended Precision x: y _ convert a number ``RN`` to extended precision, either extended integer or rational full 0
xco#dyadic verb Num/Denom x x: y _ _ convert a number ``RN`` of any precision to a precision chosen by ``LN`` full x 2
zcapco verb Terminate Fold x Z: y _ _ terminate Fold, in whole or part full x 2
zeroco verb Constant Function 1 x 0: y _ _ the value ``0``, whatever the arguments happen to be; has sister-primitives ``_:``, ``1:``, ..., ``9:`` and ``_1:``, ..., ``_9:`` full [x] 4
udot verb Enhanced Operand u. _ find the value of ``u`` in current namespace, switch to a previous namespace, execute the value there full 0
udot verb Enhanced Operand v. _ find the value of ``v`` in current namespace, switch to a previous namespace, execute the value there 0