This is a simple resume website design project aimed at practicing TypeScript. The website design does not use a template and is built from scratch.
This project is built with Next.js, React, and Styled Components. It includes basic functionality to showcase a resume and is intended as a learning exercise.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd resume
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
To run the development server:
yarn dev
This will start the Next.js development server.
To build the project for production:
yarn build
To start the production server:
yarn start
lint: Run ESLint to lint your code.
- Next.js: React framework for production.
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React DOM: React package for working with the DOM.
- React Icons: Easily use icons from popular icon sets in your React projects.
- Styled Components: Visual primitives for the component age.
- TypeScript: TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
- @types/node: TypeScript definitions for Node.js modules.
- @types/react: TypeScript definitions for React.
- @types/styled-components: TypeScript definitions for Styled Components.