Scripts might not work on all Script Engines. Scripts listed as Standard LSL should work on any LSL Engine but is not guaranteed.
Any script using yoptions MUST be used on YEngine. They will not work at all on other LSL Engines.
Any Script using OSSL will NOT work on LSO, Mono, Phlox. They might work on DotNetEngine but is not guaranteed.
- LSO (Second Life)
- Mono (Second Life)
- XEngine (Opensim)
- YEngine (Opensim, NGC, Consortium)
- XMREngine (Opensim)
- Phlox (Halcyon)
- DotNetEngine (WhiteCore)
uses YEngine with yoptions arrays, objects & norighttoleft
uses YEngine with yoptions advflowctl, arrays, objects & norighttoleft
uses YEngine with yoptions arrays, objects & norighttoleft
uses Standard LSL
uses Standard LSL with LSL Preprocessor