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Where to locate HMIS Data Elements and Descriptions within the Big Data Warehouse

Eric Jahn edited this page Nov 15, 2019 · 11 revisions

The Big Data Warehouse contains all the fields in all of the operational PostgreSQL schemas, searchable here: .

Additionally, the source entity relational models, providing more detail, are here: . Each schema has an Entity-Relational Diagram and field list. There is one schema per HMIS Data Standard version (2014, 2015, 2017/18, 2020).

When inside an HMIS data entity (tables in the relational schema), such as enrollment, the data will appear as shown in the image below in a Big Data Warehouse view, with a *_desc field showing the plain English data value, alongside the code value.

enrollment table excerpt

To see all the values for a given HMIS data element,

select * from hmis_type_v207 where lower(name) ='disablingcondition'

This will yield all the picklist values for DisablingCondition.

disabling condition picklist

A table of all the picklist values is located in each hmis_type_v* table, with an example hmis_type_v2017 table shown below.

hmis type table example

Outside of the HMIS Version Specific Schema data, there is also also Survey Service that can optionally reference HMIS data elements (double-posted to the HMIS Version Specific Schema). Here is an example HMIS 2017 survey question detail table in the Big Data Warehouse, showing the various available HUD questions, HMIS data standard numerals, and question display text.

HMIS 2017 survey question table

related: issue #549

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