CloudI is an open-source private cloud computing framework for secure, internal data processing. CloudI manages a dynamic cloud of services with an internal messaging bus. Services can be created in Erlang, C, C++, Java, Python, or Ruby, by using the CloudI interface (API). The interface provides a small set of functions that are commonly used for creating Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA):
- subscribe, unsubscribe
- send_async, send_sync, mcast_async
- recv_async
- return, forward
CloudI offers a simple way to integrate diverse services into a fault-tolerant framework. Messages are easily load balanced based on a service's destination refresh method. Access Control Lists (ACL) can be defined for services that must explicitly allow and/or deny messages from being sent to other services. All CloudI functionality supports the creation of RESTful (Representational State Transfer) services. Prefixes are given to service code in their configuration and act like a directory path, into which a service name is created by calling the "subscribe" interface function (e.g., "/db/pgsql/" is a prefix for the Erlang service code cloudi_job_db_pgsql which creates the service name "cloudi_tests" (also, the database name) so that all messages can reference the service with "/db/pgsql/cloudi_tests" and ACLs can allow or deny prefixes like "/db/pgsql/"). More features are currently explained in the configuration file (src/cloudi.conf), but proper documentation will be added soon.
The default configuration runs the hexadecimal PI test using the Bailey-Borwein-Plouffe formula and verifies that the digits are correct (the test can be found in src/tests/hexpi/). A HTTP test also is in the default configuration and uses the command line curl for simple test cases (the test can be found in src/tests/http/ with the client script Another HTTP test is provided that can be used for load tests (the test can be found in src/tests/http_req/) and provides a basic HTTP server for static files (content is cached and not updated dynamically, since it just demonstrates basic cloudi_job_filesystem functionality) that are located at src/tests/http_req/public_html/ (access at
CloudI currently supports the following databases:
- CouchDB (>= 0.9.0)
- memcached (>= 1.3)
- MySQL (>= 4.0)
- PostgreSQL (>= 7.4)
- Tokyo Tyrant (>= 1.1.23)
To support CloudI development donate here.
Build Requirements:
- Erlang >= R14B01
- Java
- Python >= 2.5.0
- Ruby >= 1.9.0 (ruby1.9 package in Ubuntu, ruby19 package in OSX ports)
- GNU MP library (libgmp3-dev package in Ubuntu, gmp package in OSX ports)
- boost >= 1.36.0
- ZeroMQ > 2.0
On OSX, to run configure with the OSX ports paths, use: CXXFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" ./configure
To build with ZeroMQ integration, use the "--with-zeromq" configure flag. If ZeroMQ is not installed, it will be installed locally and linked into a NIF statically, so it is not a runtime dependency. The ZeroMQ NIF requires Erlang >= R14B02.
See src/README for basic build information
See src/ for system configuration information
See src/README
Integration points:
- CloudI API (See src/api/README)
- ZeroMQ with cloudi_job_zeromq configuration
- HTTP with cloudi_job_misultin configuration
- Supported databases
- CouchDB with cloudi_job_db_couchdb
- memcached with cloudi_job_db_memcached
- MySQL with cloudi_job_db_mysql
- PostgreSQL with cloudi_job_db_pgsql
- Tokyo Tyrant with cloudi_job_db_tokyotyrant
Dynamic configuration uses the job API (See src/job_api/README)
Michael Truog (mjtruog [at] gmail (dot) com)