The evening trainings and readings below will help you solidify work so far and/or prepare you for the next day's materials.
Link to submit on tonight's pulse check: Tic Tac Toe
- Complete Javascript Objects Problem Set, or spend 2 hours making as much progress as you can. After you work on these problems, you MUST look at and study the solutions here!
Link to submit on tonight's pulse check: Objects Training
- Giffaw API training. Spend ~2 hours on getting this site up and running to meet the "Basic Requirements."
Link to submit on tonight's pulse check: Giffaw
Continue work on Geoquakes for at least one hour.
Look ahead: Tomorrow we dive into Object Oriented JavaScript. Watch this video about Object Oriented programming in general and read the MDN guide on Object-oriented JavaScript Object-oriented JavaScript for beginners and Object prototypes.
Link to submit on tonight's pulse check: Geoquakes
Review your assesment and the SOLUTIONS then take a look at the Week 2 Objectives and come up with at least 3 questions or topics for which you would like review.
Work on Project 0!