Create a goal for how you can improve in team settings, utilizing the feedback you received or your reflections from the workshop.
The evening trainings and readings below will help you solidify work so far and/or prepare you for the next day's materials.
link to submit on tonight's pulse check: none, but in the "anything to add?" section, please list your two takeaways from your peer feedback.
Submit your project links on the Project 2 tab on the bottom of this doc!
Prepare a lightning talk for tomorrow. You are not required to make a gist for this lightning talk.
Review MEN and MEAN stack materials and come tomorrow with any questions about those stacks.
link to submit on tonight's pulse check: none
Read through project 3 requirements thoroughly. Come up with one primary idea you'd like to work on, and prepare a pitch (see next step). Also list 1-2 additional ideas that you would be interested in, in case the original idea isn't feasible.
Prepare a "pitch" to get constructive feedback on. Your pitch should be no longer than 3 minutes and should include:
- idea and motivation: What problem does the project solve? Who is the user?
- tech stack: What main technologies do you plan to use for your client, server, and database?
- additional challenges: External API? Model relationships? Best-looking site you've ever built? Tell us about a challenge you anticipate in your project plan.
link to submit on tonight's pulse check: a link to your project 3 Trello board
- Complete the Project 3 planning deliverables and prepare to walk your teaching team through them tomorrow!
link to submit on tonight's pulse check: none, but let us know how you're doing
- Continue working on Project 3.
link to submit on tonight's pulse check: your GitHub project link
- Continue working on Project 3; don't forget to use slack as a resource.