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Code Spelunking

Kentaro "zigen" Teramoto edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

Your First Foray

There are several hundred pages of documentation available on the OMNeT++ website. You'll want to begin finding your way around in that.

In OMNeT++, practically all of the work is triggered via cMessages, passed from object to object, and network packets are cPackets (see Ch. 5 of the OMNeT++ manual).

This document is just to get you started; more complete documentation will be coming eventually.
There is some information on the code structure (which naturally will gradually go out of date) in Appendix A of Takaaki's master's thesis.

Most importantly, once you have a grasp of the basic lay of the land in the code, you'll want to start looking at the software design documents.

You can also browse the doxygen-generated source code documentation for the latest build: You can see,

class definitions


class inheritance

The latter is useful for finding all of the known rule types. Doxygen is a command-line tool for generating the docs; if you need to update it (or if you want to read the previous one), just type

$ doxygen 

from your top-level repository directory, and it will build all of the docs in doc/html (assuming you have the doxygen tools installed), all browsable through an ordinary Internet browser.

Finding the "Application" that runs

If almost all of the action is triggered via a cMessage, almost all of the hardware and software components are known as modules.
To get oriented, see the API for cSimpleModule. Also, see Sec. 4.4 of the OMNeT++ manual, "Adding Functionality to cSimpleModule".

Each module is loaded and an instance of the object instantiated based on being listed in a .ned file. In quisp/networks/QNode.ned, you will find

module QNode
        app: Application {
                address = address;//share the same address within all inner modules

Let's find the initialize() member function for that class.
There should be one in each module.
For example, in quisp/modules/, you will find

void Application::initialize()

Inside that function, you will see it first checks its own node type; if it's not an end node, it sends a message to delete itself. (It determines whether it's an end node by looking at whether there is a gate connected to a router.)

Otherwise, assuming it's an EndNode, it proceeds and sets up the application itself.

One of the important open tasks is to build a better model of an application, including both behavior of individual applications, and an overall traffic model. This set of notes should help us get started on that.

You will see, in the current implementation, that if the node's address is 1, it picks a single other node at random and builds a connection to it. This is done by firing off a single ConnectionSetupRequest message to that node; after that, all of the connection setup proceeds in an event response fashion. (At the moment, loss of classical messages is not included, so there is no need to monitor and retry the setup.)

Finding the important software modules

In QuISP, there is a big, and important, distinction between the software for a quantum repeater, and the simulation of the hardware.

In quisp/networks/qrsa.ned, you'll find the definitions of the key software components:

simple RoutingDaemon
        int address;
        //inout dummyQNICLink[];

simple HardwareMonitor

simple ConnectionManager

simple RuleEngine

simple RealTimeController

The RoutingDaemon should be obvious.

The HardwareMonitor performs tomography (below) and keeps track of the link's condition, information that is (or should be) fed to the RoutingDaemon.

The ConnectionManager handles incoming requests for connections, either in end nodes or in those that are being transitted. (The process for this is described in our Internet Draft.) It should consult with the routing daemon to find the next hop toward the destination, and with the hardware monitor to collect detailed information about the links and memories that it packages into the request before forwarding on the outbound setup request. On the return setup instructions, it should collect the RuleSets and give them to the RuleEngine.

The RuleEngine is the heart of the event-driven action. When classical messages or photons arrive, or timers expire, the RE is responsible for updating the repeater's software's understanding of the qubits' state, for executing the actions for each rule whose Condition (Match) clause is met, etc.

The RealTimeController is device drivers; it's the interface to the classical control of the quantum devices. In the simulation, it ties pretty directly to the simulation of the qubits themselves.

software architecture for a full-stack quantum repeater

(This figure should look familiar, it is used in multiple places.)

Those five simple objects are grouped into one software system,

module quantumRoutingSoft

which is used as a submodule in module QNode, found in quisp/networks/QNode.ned, as described near the top of this document.

Our first RuleSet: Looking at the tomography code

Let's follow one chain of things through the code. Let's see how the link-level tomography gets kicked off and executed.

You'll find some useful definitions in quisp/classical_messages.msg:

packet LinkTomographyRuleSet extends header
    int process_id;
    int number_of_measuring_resources;
    RuleSetField RuleSet;

packet LinkTomographyRequest extends header

(along with several others). Those are transformed automatically into a file called; don't edit this file!

Link tomography is enabled by a parameter called, naturally enough, link_tomography, a boolean. It's defined in quisp/networks/qrsa.ned:

simple HardwareMonitor
        bool link_tomography = default(false);

but if you grep through the .ini files shipped with this, you'll find that the default is overridden in most of them, including (unless this changes before release), the default omnetpp.ini file:

[Config Example_run]
network= Realistic_Layer2_Simple_MIM_MM_10km
**.num_measure = 7000
**.tomography_output_filename = "Example_run"
**.link_tomography = true
**.initial_purification = 2
**.Purification_type = 1001

Then you'll see in

void HardwareMonitor::initialize(int stage)
  do_link_level_tomography = par("link_tomography");

This function also sets up data structures to hold the tomography data, which is a key part of HM's responsibility.

A little bit later in that function, the code checks each neighbor, and if it has the higher address, does this:

              LinkTomographyRequest *pk = new LinkTomographyRequest;

(Yes, as of the moment, that packet Kind is hard-coded to 6. Ugh.)

That sends the initial packet to the neighbor, who will receive it and respond, then we will set up a set of rules. The receiver sends an ACK:

void HardwareMonitor::handleMessage(cMessage *msg){
    if(dynamic_cast<LinkTomographyRequest *>(msg) != nullptr){
        /*Received a tomography request from neighbor*/
        LinkTomographyRequest *request = check_and_cast<LinkTomographyRequest *>(msg);
        /*Prepare an acknowledgement*/
        LinkTomographyAck *pk = new LinkTomographyAck;

Back at the first node, the reception of that will kick off the creation of the RuleSet. The same handleMessage() function is the handler for that ACK, back at the initiator. Chunks of that aren't great code, with some hard-coded constants, but it works. (Add that to the work items list!)

void HardwareMonitor::sendLinkTomographyRuleSet(int my_address, int partner_address, QNIC_type qnic_type, int qnic_index, unsigned long RuleSet_id){
            LinkTomographyRuleSet *pk = new LinkTomographyRuleSet;
                        Rule* Purification = new Rule(RuleSet_id, rule_index);
                        Condition* Purification_condition = new Condition();
                        Clause* resource_clause = new EnoughResourceClause(2);
        //RuleSets sent for this node and the partner node.

        long RuleSet_id = createUniqueId();
        sendLinkTomographyRuleSet(myAddress, partner_address, my_qnic_type, my_qnic_index, RuleSet_id);
        sendLinkTomographyRuleSet(partner_address,myAddress, partner_qnic_type, partner_qnic_index, RuleSet_id);

There is a lot of similar code, depending on choice of purification scheme; ultimately, this should be more flexible, cleaner code, too. (Another item for the work list!)

Note that two RuleSets are created, and one is "sent" to yourself.

The next step is to look at and see how messages are handled there, in (naturally enough) RuleEngine::handleMessage(cMessage *msg). Currently, that function is rather messy, and due for a rewrite.

This source file also contains functions for locking and unlocking resources.

This isn't really enough detail yet, but hopefully this document has gotten you oriented to finding your way around inside the source code.


Now go look at the software design documents.