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Install OMNeT for Linux

Kentaro "zigen" Teramoto edited this page Jun 8, 2022 · 4 revisions

Install OMNeT++6


These installation instructions are interlaced with one example of running the installation on Linux. Every shell sample will look like this:

/the/current/directory λ echo HELLO WORLD

You type the part after the lambda character (beginning with "echo" in the example above).


Get the release of OMNeT++ 6.0 or later from their website and uncompress it in the folder of your choice. To remain general, this example uncompresses it in a local libraries folder, far from the quisp project and from standard installation folders.

├── projects/
│   └── quisp/
│       └── .git/
└── downloads/
    └── omnetpp-6.0-src-linux.tgz
/home λ mkdir -p .local/lib && cd .local/lib
/home/.local/lib λ tar -xzf /home/downloads/omnetpp-6.0-src-linux.tgz

At this point, there is no omnetpp binary because you still need to build from the source release.

├── projects/
│   └── quisp/
│       └── .git/
├── downloads/
│   └── omnetpp-6.0-src-linux.tgz
└── .local/
    └── lib/
        └── omnetpp-6.0/
            ├── configure*
            ├── INSTALL
            ├── Makefile
            ├── README
            ├── setenv*
            ├── bin/
            └── doc/

Building OMNeT++

Building information is available in the doc/InstallGuide.pdf file of their source release. Here is a quick version of it on linux.

Compiling OMNeT++ takes time. Be patient.

/home/.local/lib/omnetpp-6.0 λ source setenv
/home/.local/lib/omnetpp-6.0 λ ./configure
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
configure: -----------------------------------------------
configure: reading configure.user for your custom settings
configure: -----------------------------------------------
checking for clang... no
checking for icc... no
checking for gcc... gcc


Your PATH contains /tmp/tmp.home/home/.local/lib/omnetpp-6.0/bin. Good!

/home/.local/lib/omnetpp-6.0 λ make -j9
make -s MODE=release
***** Configuration: MODE=release, TOOLCHAIN_NAME=gcc, ****
===== Checking environment =====


Creating executable: out/gcc-debug//osg-satellites_dbg

Now you can type "omnetpp" to start the IDE

Help Me!!!

If you are having trouble with the install, you can peruse the FAQ.

Next Step: QuISP!

Go to Setup OMNeT++ IDE.