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Running Basic QuISP Demos

Kentaro "zigen" Teramoto edited this page Oct 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

Included Demos

QuISP is delivered with a lot of working network files, most of them configurations from Takaaki Matsuo's master's thesis. You will want to start instead from a set of basic demos:

  • two nodes connected via a single MM (memory-to-memory) link
  • two nodes connected via a single MIM (memory-interference-memory) link
    "HoM" is a Bell state analyzer in the middle of the link
  • two nodes connected via a single MSM (memory-entangled photon pair source-memory) link (will be added after MSM links work)
  • three different link architectures demo: (MM, MIM, MSM) (will be added after MSM links work)
  • twelve hops in a straight line
  • star topology with three links
  • core with arms: a moderately realistic near-term network
    This network was used for much of the entanglement swapping development.
  • many nodes in a complex configuration
    (adapted from the topology of a real ISP; only center portion of the network shown) Tutorial_ISP_1239-center

Opening a Simulation

(If you arrived here from Install OMNeT++ for Windows, some of this will look redundant; if not, we encourage you to skim that document regardless of your platform.)

You should see a screen almost like this in the OMNeT++ IDE.


In the upper left panel, each of the subdirectories is probably closed, like this:

Click on networks and scroll down until you find quisp_tutorial.ini. Click on it, and your screen should look much like the one above. The upper middle panel has several tabs; when you click on quisp_tutorial.ini, it should open a tab for that file, and you should be able to see the set of networks included in this tutorial.

You are still looking at the OMNeT++ IDE. To run QuISP itself, right-click on the quisp_tutorial.ini or click the triangle in the green circle at the top (which you will need to do will vary depending on what OMNeT++ thinks your current project is). You may need to do "run as OMNeT++ Simulation", as below.

After you pick a network from the drop-down menu, the simulator will ask you to set some parameters. Generally, these parameters are written into the .ned file (for fixed things related to the network itself) or the .ini file (for parameters for specific experimental runs), but we have set them up to be selected by you here.

For these demonstration simulations, there are four parameters to be set interactively:

  • application traffic pattern
  • link-level tomography true/false
  • choice of link-level purification scheme (11 options at the moment)
  • number of rounds of purification (for most schemes)

One it will ask you for is TrafficPattern (n.b.: there is also the parameter EndToEndConnection, which must be set to true):

TrafficPattern selector

Pick one of the following:

0 No application traffic
1 A single connection from the node specified LoneInitiatorAddress to a random node
2 Every node picks a random partner

Make sure you check the "Use this value for all similar parameters" tick box, or you'll have to set it for every individual node in the network. This value is read and used inside the "application" running on each EndNode, in modules/

A set of parameters controls purification and tomography; they are moderately complex because purification itself is rather complex. See Sections 2.8.3, 2.8.4, and 4.3 of Takaaki's master's thesis, our Phys. Rev. A paper and your friendly neighborhood purification specialist.

The parameters of interest are:

        bool link_tomography;
        int initial_purification;
        int Purification_type;
        int num_measure = default(3000);

The link_tomography boolean is pretty straightforward. When on, num_measure measurements will be taken and used to output the _dm file.

Purification_type affects a large switch statement, picking from among the different kinds of purification schemes for the link (n.b.: purification beyond a single hop is not yet supported -- an excellent project for someone!):

1001    Ss-Dp XZ Purification
2002    Ss-Sp / perfect binary tree, even rounds
3003    Ss-Sp / perfect binary tree, odd or even rounds
1221    Ss-Dp XZ, ZX alternating
1011    Ds-Sp: Fujii-san's Double selection purification
1021    Ds-Sp: Fujii-san's Double selection purification (alternating)
1031    Ds-Dp: full double selection purification (alternating)
1061    half double selection, half single selection
5555    Switching (B)
5556    Switching (A)
else    (default case code exists, but is deprecated)

initial_purification is a number whose effect varies depending on the chosen link purification scheme; for most, the number of rounds of purification is either this value or twice this value.

For a simple example, set purification_type to 2002, and initial_purification to 1. This will perform one round of X purification, followed by one round of Z purification.

Purification is too complicated to detail here, but is defined by both the purification circuit to be executed and the scheduling discipline used to select Bell pairs for use from among the available resources (at the moment, all schemes implemented use only perfect trees; pumping and banding are not supported).

The corresponding code contains extensive comments and technical justification and detailed descriptions of the options. It is in the file, when you are ready to dig into code, since it was all developed for the HM to characterize links. Look for the function HardwareMonitor::sendLinkTomographyRuleSet. You can read the online copy or, better, generate the doxygen documentation and read both locally on your machine or online for the latest master; the additional formatting is valuable, circuit images are included, and it is the best way to ensure that the document you are reading corresponds to the code you are executing. online version

What the Heck am I Looking At?

If you are running a simulation properly, you will see two or more nodes, which may be any of several different node types distinguished by different icons, connected via links (simple black lines). Messages exchanged are always "packets" in OmNET++. ("Messages" are also internal, software object-to-object things.) We represent individual photons, classical physical signals (e.g., synchronization pulses), and larger, digital classical messages all via different types of packets. You will see these flowing between nodes, along with labels that tell you what they are. MM_demo

As of this writing, the colors (message kinds) assigned are as follows:

RED	Just a photon in a burst. Not the beginning, nor the end.
WHITE	First or last photon in a burst (STATIONARY_PULSE_BOUND)
YELLOW	physical layer control (sync pulses, basically; classical physical signal)
GREEN	(reserved)
BLUE	ConnectionSetupResponse
CYAN	BSA (Bell state analysis) results (classical message); also entanglement swapping results (classical message)
MAGENTA	Link tomography results (memory measurement results?); also RejectConnectionSetup
BLACK	Purification results (classical message); also ConnectionSetupRequest

(These color assignments are artifacts of the coding; grep for setKind() in the source code. According to one old message on the OmNET++ mailing list from a decade ago, the "packet" (photon or classical message) colors derive from the message kind, an internal field related to the message definition. Modulo 8, the colors you see are:

0 = RED
2 = BLUE
5 = CYAN

This packet "kind" is used in some demultiplexing, so we are choosing the assigned kinds to make the animation as clear as possible.)

Finding and interpreting the results

kaaki, help fill this in!!!*

Important file types you will encounter

As you are leaping through the sources, you will encounter many file types. A few of the most important ones are listed here.

_dm file

A density matrix file -- this is generated as an output of the simulator. It is an ASCII text file. This is the only file type that is completely unique to QuISP; the rest come from or extend standard OmNET++ files.

This file is described in Appendix A.2.2 of Takaaki Matsuo's master's thesis.

.ini file

See especially the default file omnetpp.ini. This is the main file that drives your simulation scenarios. Works in conjunction with one .ned file(s).

.ini files can be created by hand, or edited using the OmNET++ built-in editor. The files are described in Ch. 3 of the OmNET++ User Guide, available here.

For the examples here, find and open quisp_tutorial.ini. This simple example contains five Config statements, each of which specifies a network. There are no other parameters in this simple tutorial, but for a complex experiment, this file will be very long and will specify values for many of the parameters in Appendix A.2.1 of Matsuo's master's thesis.

.ned file

Describes a network topology and hardware configuration. Each .ned file contains one or more network blocks, listing all of the nodes and links.

.ned files can be created by hand, or edited using the OmNET++ built-in editor. The files are described in Ch. 2 of the OmNET++ User Guide, available here.

Find the file topology_linear_network.ned. It should contain four of the five demo networks listed above. Inside a network block, you will find nodes of type repeater, HoM, etc. The definitions of those network types are automatically found from other .ned files; in this case, files named qnic.ned, qrsa.ned, QNode.ned, and channels.ned. Those define, among other things, default values for parameters that you may override in the .ini file, e.g. the default X gate error rate is set to zero in qnic.ned:

        double Xgate_error_rate = default(0);

This nested referencing of .ned files from first the .ini file and then from other .ned files, with the automatic searching of directories for corresponding network and module names and overriding of the parameters, complicates sharing and archiving of experimental parameter sets, but allows for referencing that makes for sharing of parameters and for much less verbose individual files.

.msg file

Describes the format and contents of the messages exchanged. At the moment, you will find one for classical messages (classical_messages.msg) and one for quantum messages (PhotonicQubit.msg).

.cc and .h files

You know what these are. There is a modest number of C++ files that are specific to QuISP.

Next steps

When you are ready to start contributing, you can start reading the code, as we have done.