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WASM Version Guide

Rod Van Meter edited this page Jan 17, 2022 · 5 revisions

QuISP is now available to run directly on your Web Browser by using WebAssembly (WASM). Go to

QuISP Wasm screenshot

We can

  • run a QuISP simulation
  • pause the simulation and watch the packets
  • see the network configuration (.ned files)
  • record results of the simulation (e.g the number of bell-pair generation)
  • download the recording results and analyze them in your OMNeT++ IDE


Run a simulation

you can choose a simulation config. selecting Inifile Configuration

and then, you can run the simulation. you can 1. step a simulation event, 2. run normally with animation, 3. run fast mode. the "express" mode is not implemented and clicking the "express" button causes a crash.

then click "ok" to prepare the simulation, it will take a few seconds.

also, you can walk on the network by double-clicking the repeaters, hosts, or network component icons like this.


QuISP on wasm might take CPU resources and memory of your machine. Be careful if your machine is not high-end.

Watch the packet

you can see the packets by clicking "scheduled-events" in the left pane.

OMNeT++ Result recording

Click the "rec" button in the top navigation bar to enable recording and then run the simulation. when you ran enough events you can see the ".elog", ".sca", ".vec" and ".vci" files. these are generated by OMNeT++ framework.

you can click it to see the content of the file and also download it.

OMNeT++ IDE can analyze those files. see the document of OMNeT++

QuISP's Result recording

for now (Dec 2021), we need to run until around 2000000 events in order to collect enough tomography information. when you ran enough events, click the "finish" button to count up results and export them.