A simple gRPC server wrapping the sfomuseum/swift-text-emboss
For background, please see the Searching Text in Images on the Aviation Collection Website blog post.
Building the server.
$> swift build
Building for debugging...
[9/9] Emitting module text_emboss_grpc_server
Build complete! (0.76s)
Server start-up options.
$> ./.build/debug/text-emboss-grpc-server -h
USAGE: text-emboss-server [--host <host>] [--port <port>] [--threads <threads>] [--logfile <logfile>] [--verbose <verbose>] [--tls_certificate <tls_certificate>] [--tls_key <tls_key>] [--max_receive_message_length <max_receive_message_length>]
--host <host> The host name to listen for new connections (default: localhost)
--port <port> The port to listen on for new connections (default: 8080)
--threads <threads> The number of threads to use for the GRPC server (default: 1)
--logfile <logfile> Log events to system log files (default: false)
--verbose <verbose> Enable verbose logging (default: false)
--tls_certificate <tls_certificate>
The path to a TLS certificate to use for secure connections (optional)
--tls_key <tls_key> The path to a TLS key to use for secure connections (optional)
--max_receive_message_length <max_receive_message_length>
Sets the maximum message size in bytes the server may receive. If 0 then the swift-grpc defaults will be used. (default: 0)
-h, --help Show help information.
Running the server.
$> .build/debug/text-emboss-grpc-server
2023-10-23T15:24:41.391-07:00 347180 [INFO] ["label": "org.sfomuseum.text-emboss-grpc-server", "source": "GRPCServer", "metadata": ""] GRPCServer/Server.swift#L.47 Run(_:) server started on port 8080
And then (given this image running this client):
$> go run cmd/emboss/main.go -embosser-uri 'grpc://localhost:8080' ./fixtures/menu.jpg
Mood-lit Libations
Champagne Powder Cocktail
Champagne served with St. Germain
elderflower liqueur and hibiscus syrup
Mile-High Manhattan
Stranahans whiskey served with
sweet vermouth
Peach Collins On The Rockies
Silver Tree vodka, Leopold Bros peach
liqueur, lemon juice and agave nectar
Colorado Craft Beer
California Wines