Java command line tool that takes a very specific Excel spreadsheet and outputs the rows relevant to me. --help
is included
- The Wolf only ever needs to hear your employee id once. The Wolf remembers it from then on.
- The Wolf tells you your most recent paid expense reports OR all your paid expense reports
- The Wolf is Java, so...
- The Wolf [should] run on Mac, Windows, and Linux
- The Wolf is
private final String pretty
on the inside, too - The Wolf has both desirable traits of a command-line app: efficient long-term number-crunching and slow startup time
usage: java -jar wolf-1.0.jar [OPTIONS] --file [absolute path to xls]
-a,--all get every expense report you've submitted
-e,--employee-id <arg> employee id number. can be saved with -s
-f,--file <arg> absolute path to expense report xls
-h,--help print this message
-s,--save-id saves a file in home directory with employee id
java -jar wolf-1.0.jar --employee-id 10000 --save-id --file path/to/my/spreadsheet.xls
, the first timejava -jar wolf-1.0.jar --file path/to/my/spreadsheet.xls
, every other time
- make sure gradle is installed
gradle jar
builds a 'fat jar', including all dependencies (found in build.gradle)
I'm a traveling consultant, which means lots of expense reports and little time. A giant Excel sheet is made available
periodically, but parsing through it is frustrating and tedious enough that it never happens. When a new sheet is
released, I give it to this tool and see which reports have been paid recently (default) or for all time (--all