I am an open source enthusiast who strives to become a full-stack programmer.
I created or joined the following organizations:
- @sgpublic-forks: A repository for archiving all my forks for pull requests.
- @SuyhanStudio: This is an organization that collects all the projects I created for my alma mater.
- @driveindex: DriveIndex project organization, a OneDrive directory listing tool.
- @OpenMystere: Mystere project organization, a headless robot client based on the official API of instant messaging software that implements the OneBot V11/V12 protocol.
- @opennaslab: A laboratory dedicated to developing tools for Network Attached Storage (NAS).
I have/am using the following technologies/languages (in order of proficiency):
- Android/Kotlin
- Kotlin Multiplatform/Compose Multiplatform
- SpringBoot/Java
- NoneBot/Python
- GoLang
- React/TypeScript
- JavaFX
- C#
Since I have created so many repositories, not all of them can be actively maintained. Generally, I only actively maintain the repositories I am using, but as long as the repository is not archived, it means that I am willing to continue to maintain it. You can submit a bug or feature request in the issue, or simply click a star to let me know that someone wants the repository to continue to be updated.
You can also join my channel and ask me for updates directly:
If my repository is helpful to you, you can buy me a cup of coffee at 爱发电 to give me more motivation to move forward!