This software provides the computational tools to perform statistical inference using the HyperTraPS framework.
The methodology is described and used in the following papers:
- HyperTraPS: Inferring probabilistic patterns of trait acquisition in evolutionary and disease progression pathways
(Cell Systems or arXiv) - Evolutionary Inference across Eukaryotes Identifies Specific Pressures Favoring Mitochondrial Gene Retention
- Precision identification and prediction of high mortality phenotypes and disease progression pathways in severe malaria without requiring longitudinal data
Retrieve a local copy with:
git clone
To compile the C++ source code, a g++ compiler with -std=c++11 support is required. If this is the case, run
which will create the necessary local folders and compile the C++ source to binaries.
A python2 environment is required with packages required for full functionality provided in requirements.txt.
If you are working within an anaconda environment, you can install these into a "HyperTraPS" environment with the command
conda env create --name HyperTraPS --file conda_requirements.yml
Or for any python2 environment with PyPI
pip install -r requirements.txt --user
More detailed information on the full usage of the package is outlined in the sections below. However, a Jupyter Notebook is also available in:
with an example case performing HyperTraPS inference on a sythetic cross-sectional dataset to illustrate functionality.
In order to perform inference with HyperTraPS, all that is required is a comma-separated values (csv) file in the format of N samples (rows) x L features (columns). If the data is longitudinal, the samples from one object should have the same index and be time ordered. If the data is phylogenetic, the samples should have the same index as the leaves contained in the corresponding phylogeny.
The csv file requires a header with the name of each feature and an index column. The table below illustrates the format for a dataset described by matrix D
Feature 1 | ... | Feature L | |
Sample index 1 | D_{11} | ... | D_{1L} |
... | ... | ... | ... |
Sample index N | D_{N1} | ... | D_{NL} |
The values taken by D_{ij} may be 0 (feature is absent from sample) or 1 (feature is present in sample). If the dataset is cross-sectional, a value of 2 can also be present if the value is missing. Note that the inference is currently not compatible with missing data for longitudinal and phylogenetic datasets but is an active area of research.
To perform inference of your dataset, the standard procedure is to create a subfolder and copy the scripts from scripts/ into this subfolder. This can be achieved with the following general format
mkdir <subfolder>
cd <subfolder>
cp ../scripts/* ./
<csv file location>\
<dataset type>\
<optional: phylogeny file location>
All the default scripts required for performing inference and generating output post-processing are located in the subfolder.
An example of a cross-sectional dataset that can be analysed is contained within datasets/synthetic/ along with other example datasets. A specific example can be set-up with
mkdir test_data_2/
cd test_data_2/
cp ../scripts/* ./
An example of a synthetic longitudinal dataset that can be analysed is also contained within datasets/synthetic/. This example can be set-up with
mkdir test_data_2_longitudinal/
cd test_data_2_longitudinal/
cp ../scripts/* ./
An example of a cross-sectional dataset relating to genetic alterations in ovarian cancer is contained within datasets/ovarian-cgh/. The example can be set-up with
mkdir ovarian_test/
cd ovarian_test/
cp ../scripts/* ./
The ovarian alteration dataset is publicly available as part of the R package Oncotree.
An example of a phylogenetic dataset relating to the acquisition of drug-resistance genetic polymorphisms is contained within datasets/tuberculosis/ and can be set-up with
mkdir tuberculosis_test/
cd tuberculosis_test/
cp ../scripts/* ./
The tuberculosis dataset and phylogeny are made available with the associated research publication of Casali et al. 2014.
Phylogenies are required to be provided in Newick file format for the python ete3 package to process.
Once is run, several files named transitions.* are output that are utilised for subsequent procedures.
Once the conversion of the raw dataset to the correct transition dataset has been performed, the MCMC sampler may be run. To see options associated with the sampler, perform
Or to simply run the sampler with default options the script
Depending on the size and dimensionality of your dataset, this could take minutes or days to run. The files output from the sampler are called stats.csv and forwards.txt. stats.csv contains the likelihood and acceptance ratios at each iteration. forwards.txt contains a sample from the MCMC chain every 100 iterations. Once a "burn-in" period is considered to have been reached, samples from "forwards.txt" may be treated as independent samples from the posterior distribution.
To examine traces of the likelihood from the sampler, you can run
which will output a .png file displaying the MCMC trace alongside acceptance statistics for a basic examination of the mixing performance.
Once it has been established the number of iterations for the "burn-in" period, random walks using samples forwards.txt can be performed. The random walks may be complete performing transitions from the zero state to the one state or "match the data" by performing transitions between all source and target states in the original dataset. To perform this simulation, the following can be run with more information on setting options for the simulated random walks
../bin/RUN_PW -h
In particular, the burn-in period from which to choose samples from can be set with the option -b. A ready made script to achieve the random walk simulations is also available by running
Once the program has run, several files with the format forwards_*.txt are output that can be analyses with plotting scripts described in the next section.
Simulated random walks can be examined with ready made plots of the following types:
- Hypercube transition graph
- Ordering histograms
- Feature graph
Each can be run with default parameters with the following scripts
The contents of the individual scripts can be customised in many ways to give the user control over the nature of the plots.
The samples output from the MCMC sampler make use of the full space of parameters when choosing a first- or second- order model. As introduced and described here, a regularisation approach can be utilised to obtain more parsimonious models. To run the regularisation procedure, the following program is included
and a ready made script can be run with
The regularisation procedure outputs forwards_information_criterion* files capturing the regularisation process which may be plotted with the below script. In addition, new samples are stored forwards_regularised.txt with the top 100 (as default) samples that optimise the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) during the search.
To plot the output of the regularisation procedure, the following ready made script generates a plot of how the AIC changes with respect to the number of parameters. This can be run with
and subsequently generates the file forwards-information-criterion.pdf with the plotted output. A comparison with the regularisation procedure applied to a comparison first order model can also be achieved with this script by providing the relative path of the folder where this model has been run and the regularisation procedure also performed.
The following script
simulates random walks with the new regularised parameterisations and can be examined with the same plotting scripts as above.