An offline Geocoding library for .Net coded in C#. Based on the awesome Java lib by AReallyGoodName: You may also be interested in (also under MIT).
- This library is built for .Net 4, however it should work fine with 3.5 and Mono.
- The data that is fed in needs to be in the
format as described here. - Here you'll find various sets of formatted data to use for the reverse geocoding.
The look ups are very fast, O(logn)
, however building the initial KD-Tree is not so fast, O(kn * logn)
so pre-selecting your datasets and filtering out places or areas that are not of interest (like water bodies) can be used to improve load speed and reduce
memory usage.
Filtering of data can be done offline using the GeoDBOptimize
class to create tailored geoname
Load a database from a file
GeoSharp.ReverseGeoCode geocode = new GeoSharp.ReverseGeoCode(@"C:\allCountries.txt", true);
Console.WriteLine(geocode.NearestPlaceName(40.730885, -73.997383));
Load a database from a Stream
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(MemoryDB))
GeoSharp.ReverseGeoCode geocode = new GeoSharp.ReverseGeoCode(ms, true);
Console.WriteLine(geocode.NearestPlaceName(40.730885, -73.997383));
Licensed under The MIT License.