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fix: quick fix to data attribute at CommandPrimitive.Item that was ap… #315

fix: quick fix to data attribute at CommandPrimitive.Item that was ap…

fix: quick fix to data attribute at CommandPrimitive.Item that was ap… #315

Triggered via push May 13, 2024 05:01
Status Success
Total duration 2m 46s


on: push
Create a PR for release workflow
2m 39s
Create a PR for release workflow
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3 warnings
Create a PR for release workflow
Node.js 16 actions are deprecated. Please update the following actions to use Node.js 20: actions/checkout@v3, pnpm/action-setup@v2.2.4, actions/setup-node@v3, changesets/action@v1.4.1. For more information see:
Create a PR for release workflow
Unexpected input(s) 'version', valid inputs are ['always-auth', 'node-version', 'node-version-file', 'architecture', 'check-latest', 'registry-url', 'scope', 'token', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path']
Create a PR for release workflow
Unexpected input(s) 'version', valid inputs are ['always-auth', 'node-version', 'node-version-file', 'architecture', 'check-latest', 'registry-url', 'scope', 'token', 'cache', 'cache-dependency-path']