Tainted Core is a fork of Talamortis' OregonCore with translations from MaNGOS One and some minor adjustments. The project is not under active development and only exists out of my curiosity.
Make sure to have all required dependencies installed. ArchLinux is used in this example.
For debian based systems use apt
instead of pacman
and yay
, also replace the packages
with the corresponding ones of your distribution.
pacman -Sy mariadb base-devel boost cmake git
yay -S ace
mariadb-install-db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
systemctl --now enable mariadb
You can now fetch the latest repository:
git clone https://github.com/shagu/tainted-core source
The first command will create all empty databases and also a new user to your mysql database (oregon:oregon). You might want to delete or change its password later.
core database:
mysql -u'root' -p < source/sql/create/create_mysql.sql
mysql -u'oregon' -p'oregon' realmd < source/sql/base/realmd.sql
mysql -u'oregon' -p'oregon' characters < source/sql/base/characters.sql
mysql -u'oregon' -p'oregon' world < source/sql/base/world.sql
mysql -u'oregon' -p'oregon' world < source/sql/base/world_locales.sql
database updates:
cat source/sql/updates/realmd/*.sql | mysql -u"oregon" -p"oregon" realmd
cat source/sql/updates/characters/*.sql | mysql -u"oregon" -p"oregon" characters
cat source/sql/updates/world/*.sql | mysql -u"oregon" -p"oregon" world
cat source/sql/updates/world_locales/*.sql | mysql -u"oregon" -p"oregon" world
Change make -j8
to the number of CPUs/Threads you have. The higher the number,
the more threads will be utilizied to compile the core.
mkdir -p build; cd build
cmake ../source -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install \
make -j12
make install
The emulator needs access to several game files found in the 2.4.3 client.
Such as maps, movement paths, spells and other data. The following commands
will extract all the required data and also generate movement maps. In this example
it is assumed, the game directory is in ~/games/Burning\ Crusade/
cd install/bin
cp map_extractor movements_extractor vmap_assembler vmap_extractor ~/games/Burning\ Crusade/
cd ~/games/Burning\ Crusade/
mkdir vmaps
./vmap_assembler Buildings/ vmaps/
This process will now take a long time (1-4 hours). Once done, copy all files to your blobs directory (which is right beside the build and the source directory)
cd -
mkdir ../../blobs
cd ../../blobs
mv ~/games/Burning\ Crusade/{dbc,maps,vmaps,mmaps} .
rm ~/games/Burning\ Crusade/{map_extractor,movements_extractor,vmap_assembler,vmap_extractor}
To launch the server, it is required to have all game-files (blobs) in the right directory and also to have the configuration files set up properly.
cd install
cp etc/oregoncore.conf.dist etc/oregoncore.conf
cp etc/oregonrealm.conf.dist etc/oregonrealm.conf
vim etc/oregoncore.conf etc/oregonrealm.conf
for obj in ../../blobs/*; do ln -s $obj .; done
./bin/oregon-realm &
In the oregon-core
console, you can now typ the following to create a new GM account (foo:bar):
account create foo bar
account set gmlevel foo 3
Hit <ctrl-c>
to stop the core. Type fg
and hit <ctrl+c>
again to stop the realm.