High level wrapper for market.csgo.com (AKA tm.csgo.com)
Only items bought supported currently and focuses on CS:GO
"market": {
"apiKey": "xxx"
"manager": {
"balanceValidationInterval": 90000, // 1.5 * 60 * 1000 - Balance integrity check if we are connected to ws
"avoidBadBots": true, // If we know that some offer is laggy we will firstly try to skip it
"safeBuyRequests": true, // If market returns http error on by request we will check, did we really bought
"dataDir": null, // Where system data should be stored, should be absolute path or nothing
"logApiCalls": false // Should we log all api calls to market?(works only if data dir is set) . Or you can pass your own logger
"market": {
"apiKey": "", // Required
"pingInterval": 185000, // 3 * 60 * 1000 + 5 * 1000
"handleTimezone": false,
"allowedPriceFluctuation": 0,
"compromiseFactor": 0,
"minCompromise": 0
"sockets": {
"pingInterval": 20000 // 20 * 1000
"knapsack": {
"validationInterval": 60000, // 60 * 1000 - if we have connection to ws
"updateInterval": 20000 // 20 * 1000 - using if don't have connection to ws