Repository containing NodeJS and Arduino code for remote controlling Orvibo S10/20 smart switches.
This repository contains 4 directories. They are as follows
- NodeJS - this is a server/mediator that provides a WebSocket, MQTT, HTTP and WeMo protocol interface to the S10/S20 smart sockets.
- lightSwitchv3 - this is the Arduino code for Version 3 of the smartswitch, pictured below:
The Fritzing schematic for this switch is v3.fzz. - lightSwitchv4 - this is the Arduino code for Version 4 of the smartswitch, pictured below:
index.html is the uncompressed version of the page this switch serves from PROGMEM - compress it using an online tool of your choice if you want to customise.
The Fritzing schematic for this switch is v4.fzz. - pebble - this is a Cloudpebble .zip backup of the Pebble client for these switches
Further details on this project are available at