A web portal that connects local home masterchefs with people who wish to eat healthy home cooked meals but are too busy to cook daily.
Check it out here - bit.ly/lunchbox-app (Currently Unavailable - Work in progress. Stay tuned for a new look)
ps aux | grep 'python'
kill -9 <PID>
heroku run python -a lunchbox-app
heroku pg:psql -a lunchbox-app
psql lunchbox postgres
heroku open -a lunchbox-app
flask db stamp head
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
from app import db
ALTER TABLE meals ADD COLUMN create_time_holder TIMESTAMP without time zone NULL;
UPDATE meals SET create_time_holder = updated_at::TIMESTAMP;
ALTER TABLE meals ALTER COLUMN updated_at TYPE TIMESTAMP without time zone USING create_time_holder;
ALTER TABLE meals DROP COLUMN create_time_holder;