An assignment to implement a knowledge base management system using Pyramid framework
The requirements are as given below
Tech stack: Python3 + Pyramid + PostgreSQL
- Create KB item
- Get KB item by number
- Delete KB item
- Update KB item
- Find KB items by title or text
- List all KB items
No UI, use JSON format for API.
Database: PostgreSQL
Tests are mandatory.
Server should de delivered as a docker container.
Use public github repo.
The Knowledge Base items should implement the following Management system
- Takes word{text} or item{number or text}
- Creates a word & meaning based on request
- Find's a word & meaning based on Word or Item
- Updates a word's meaning based on Words
- Lists all the entries saved
As given in the requirements, A Backend system is to be built using Python3 and Pyramid Web Framework. The backend application must be able to implement all the operations as listed above. The API format is JSON. It's additionally good to have unittest cases, and delivery in a docker container.
Database used : PostgreSQL SQL ORM : SQLAlchemy
Dependent Packages: eng_dictionary to populate items in the database.
Unit tests : Present
Dockerfile : Present
These are the following routes
{word} takes the word for which the meaning has to be looked up for. This view adds the word and the meaning of the word into the database.
{word} takes the word to be search for in the database. This view queries the word and meaning of the word in the database.
{id} takes the unique id auto assigned to all the entries created in the database. This view returns the UID, word and meaning from the database
{first} is the word to be looked up for and {second} is the meaning to be updated for the word {first}.
{word} takes the word in the database to be deleted. Returns the list of all items in the database.
Fetches all the entries in the database and outputs it in the response.