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Analyzing Code

Igor Rončević edited this page Nov 24, 2018 · 5 revisions

Sharpen supports running an analysis on a whole solution as well on a single or several projects or folders or files.

To run analysis on a whole solution go to the "Tools -> Sharpen -> Analyze Solution" as shown on the image below.

Running Sharpen analysis on a whole solution

Alternatively, you can use the "Analyze with Sharpen" context menu option on the solution node in the Solution Explorer.

To run analysis on the currently edited file, use the "Analyze with Sharpen" context menu option on the file context menu, as shown on the image below.

Running Sharpen analysis on the currently edited file

To run analysis on an arbitrary scope, use the "Analyze with Sharpen" context menu option on selected nodes in the Solution Explorer.

The scope selection is made in the Solution Explorer in a usual way, by using the Shift and Up, Down, PgUp, and PgDown keys or the Shift and Ctrl keys in combination with left mouse clicks. Once you select the desired scope, you can `run the analysis on that scope by using the "Analyze with Sharpen" context menu option, as shown on the animation below.

Running Sharpen analysis on an arbitrary scope