- Register/login feature.
- Post Property,Apply/Reject Offer - owners
- Apply for Rent on listed property - tenants
- separate portal for owners to post property.
1. git clone https://github.com/shashankch/RentLo-FullStack.git.
2. cd RentLo-FullStack - npm install.
3. cd RentLo-FullStack/client - npm install.
4. Add your db connection string in /config/mongoose.js.
5. cd on main directory(RentLo-FullStack).
6. npm start - on main directory(RentLo-FullStack).
7. npm start - directory(RentLo-FullStack/client).
Your backend application should now be running on localhost:8000 and FrontEnd React application on localhost:3000.
- add more features for owner and tenant.
- improve UI.
- All contributions are welcome!