Click on the odd colored grid to proceed to the next level.
Grid tiles are spaced with 2px border contained within a 600px space with 10% border radius on every level.
Tiles gradually decrease in size as level difficulty increases.
- Level 1: 2 X 2 Grid
- Level 2: 3 X 3 Grid
- Level 3: 4 X 4 Grid
- Initializes game
- Runs the game timer
- Loads level 1 grid
- Changes start button to restart button
- Starts a 60 second countdown that clears if time runs out or the game is over
- Creates and colors grid according to increasing difficulty (i.e. Grid size increases every round)
- Generates random number between max and min (with both inclusive)
- Used in randomizing odd tile position and coloring the grid differently every round
- Checks if clicked tile matches the odd tile
- Runs a conditional statement and clears previous grid and creates the next level grid if tiles match
- Ends the game
- Clears the grid for end of game text displaying score and completion time
var score = 0
var timeLeft = 59
var noOfRows = 2
var ranGrid
var isGameOver = false
var wholeGrid = document.querySelectorAll('.container')
var palette = [
['rgb(20, 153, 105)',
'rgb(20, 140, 95)'],
document.querySelector('.container').style.backgroundColor = 'white'
var gridId = 0
for (var i = 0; i < noOfRows; i++) {
document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML += '<div class = "row">'
for (var k = 0; k < noOfRows; k++) {
document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML += '<div class = "L' + noOfRows + 'Grid" id = ' + gridId + '>' + '</div>'
document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML += '</div>'
- Styles the grid background as white
- var gridId numbers every grid tile starting from 0
- create rows according to var noOfRows
- create same number of tiles per row
'<div class = "L' + noOfRows + 'Grid" id = ' + gridId + '>'
/* 5 x 5 grid */
.L5Grid {
border: 2px solid white;
width: 116px;
height: 116px;
display: inline-block;
border-radius: 10%;
- Concatenate string to create matching names with CSS class to retrieve tile properties for different grid sizes
var palette = [
['rgb(20, 153, 105)',
'rgb(20, 140, 95)'],
['rgb(235, 152, 20)',
'rgb(235, 135, 20)'],
- 2-Dimensional array to store grid colors
- 13 colors for 10 levels to ensure ample rotation
- Array chosen for easy manipulation and looping
var ranChosenCol = palette.splice(ranNum(0, palette.length - 1), 1)
- Chooses a color a random from the palette and using splice, removes the color to prevent repetition
for (var p = 0; p < noOfRows - 1; p++) {
for (var j = 0; j < gridId; j++) {
wholeGrid[j].style.backgroundColor = ranChosenCol[0][0]
- Nested For loops color the whole grid with the chosen color ranChosenCol
- Initial plan was to target by gridId but
wholeGrid.forEach(function (elem) {
elem.addEventListener('click', isMatch)
- Adding event listeners to each element in the grid to check for match
ranGrid = document.querySelectorAll('.L' + noOfRows + 'Grid')[ranNum(0, gridId - 1)] = ranChosenCol[0][1]
- Randomizes one grid to be the odd tile
if (this === ranGrid) {
// target the score node
var scoreTgt = document.querySelector('.score')
// update score to score node
scoreTgt.innerHTML = score + 1
score += 1
// increase the grid size
if (noOfRows < 11) {
noOfRows += 1
} else {
isGameOver = true
// empty out previous grid squares
document.querySelector('.container').innerHTML = ' '
// create the new grid
} else {
timeLeft -= 3
If match,
Updates the score node and score variable
Increments grid size, clears and creates new grid
If wrong match, 3 second time deduction
this refers to each tile in the entire grid, from
wholeGrid.forEach(function (elem) {
elem.addEventListener('click', isMatch)