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Competitive Tic Tac Toe has been sweeping the nation. Each game ends in either Player A winning, Player B winning or a Draw. However the players are having trouble keeping score. Your mission is to build an application to run on your micro:bit that will keep score, to replace the paper scoring system pictured below.
The specifications are as follows:
- When player A wins a game they will press the A button adding 1 point to player A's overall score and display a graphic showing that player A got a point.
- When player B wins a game they will press the B button adding 1 point to player B's overall score and display a graphic showing that player B got a point.
- If the game ends in a draw the players press the A + B buttons together adding 1 point to the draw score and display a graphic showing that draws got a point.
- When the micro:bit is shaken it will display the score for all three values (player A, player b & draw).
Don't forget that you should:
- Start by writing pseudocode to plan out what your program should do.
- Comment your code, so that others can read the code and understand what it does.
- Test your code first in the simulator and then on the physical device.
- Use/extend code that you have written in the past for ideas & inspiration.