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Lets build a simple "pick a hand game". When the micro:bit is shaken the game will display the current score and select either the A button or B button as the correct answer. The game must be able to keep count of the total games played and the current score.
- on start
- initialize variables
- score - integer - to 0 - holds the current score
- gamesPlayed - integer - to 0 - holds the count of the games played
- initialize variables
- on shake
- Show score "Score: [score] of [gamesPlayed] played."
- increment geamesPlayed by 1
- set isA to random true/false
- show icon to tell user to pick
- on button A pressed
- if isA then add a point show check
- else show X
- on button B pressed
- same as button A except it shoud be NOT isA