Welcome to NiceExam, a project designed for seamless deployment using GitHub Actions. This README provides an overview of the deployment process and the directory structure to help you get started.
Before deploying NiceExam, ensure you have the necessary credentials and permissions set up for AWS and GitHub Actions.
The deployment process for the NiceExam project involves three GitHub Actions runners. Make sure to follow the specified order for a successful deployment:
primary.yml: This runner creates the Infrastructure stack, Task Definition, and the ECS Service.
CI-Infra.yml: This runner handles the creation of CI Infrastructure stacks, including CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, and CodeBuild.
codecommit.yml: This runner pushes the code from GitHub into the CodeCommit repository.
Ensure you deploy the project in the following order for a smooth deployment process:
- primary.yml
- CI-Infra.yml
- codecommit.yml
|-- README.md
|-- app
| |-- Dockerfile
| |-- app.py
| |-- requirements.txt
| `-- templates
| `-- index.html
|-- buildspec.yml
`-- cloudformation
|-- cicd.yaml
|-- infra.yaml
`-- template2.yaml
Feel free to explore the project's directory structure for a better understanding of the components and configurations involved in NiceExam.