Compose dynamic templates and markup into a static website.
Used to generate (source repo).
$ pip install $ pip install mako markdown2 # If you're using the built-in filters (optional)
Great for live preview and debugging.
$ composer serve examples/simple_mako/index.json $ open http://localhost:8080/foo
$ composer build examples/simple_mako/index.json $ open build/foo/index.html
We can write an indexer script which will generate our index file.
#!/usr/bin/env python # - Generate a Composer Index for my website. from composer.index import Index, Route, Static class SimpleIndex(Index): def _generate_static(self): yield Static('static', 'my_static_files') def _generate_routes(self): yield Route('foo', 'foo.mako', filters=['mako']) yield Route('post/1', 'posts/', filters=['markdown', 'pygments']) if __name__ == '__main__': import json index = SimpleIndex() print json.dumps(index.to_dict(), indent=4)
Now we run the script to generate the intermediate index file and run it.
$ python > index.json $ composer build index.json
Or we can call the Index generator directly from Composer. This is great for really large and complex websites.
$ composer build indexer:SimpleIndex
Some examples of indexer scripts can be found here:
A Filter is any callable factory which takes a string of content (and an optional Route object) and returns a modified string of content. When defining a Route, multiple filters can be chained together so that each filter's output will be the next filter's input.
Here are two hypothetical implementations of a filter which appends a fixed footer string to the content:
# # 1. Using a class: from composer.filters import Filter class FooterFilter(Filter): def __init__(self, footer=''): self.footer = footer def __call__(self, content, route=None): return content + '\n\n' + self.footer # 2. Same thing without using a class: def FooterFilter(footer=''): def _(content, route=None): return content + '\n\n' + footer return _
Now we can register our FooterFilter in our Index and use it in our Routes:
# ... from myfilter import FooterFilter class SimpleIndex(Index): def _register_filters(self): self.register_filter(id='footer', filter_cls=FooterFilter, filter_kwargs={'footer': '<!-- Generated by Composer -->'}) # ...
Composer comes with a few builtin filters whose source should be easy to understand and extend. Default registered filters include:
: composer.filters.Makomarkdown
: composer.filters.Markdownrst
: composer.filters.RestructuredTextjinja2
: composer.filters.Jinja2pygments
: composer.filters.Pygments
These filters are registered by default within
. There are also some builtin unregistered
filters (such as
which can be registered manually or extended.
Composer builds static websites in two steps: First we index, then we compose.
During indexing, we can output a index.json
file which describes all the
route URLs and how to render them. We feed the index into composer to generate
static content--this can be done with the JSON file or the Index generator can
be plugged in directly.
This makes the composing step really simple because all the complex logic is separately assembled and can be flattened into a JSON file.
Every complex setup seems to require a unique indexing step, so this allows you to customize just the piece that is applicable to you while letting Composer do what it does best.
Roughly in priority-order:
- More filters
- More error handling and exceptions
- More Tests
- More documentation
- Optimize for large content bases:
mode: Index routes for more efficient lookup. (Done)build
mode: Add mtime-based checking to skip regenerating content that is already current.
- Scaffolds (with Makefile)
- Everything else
- Ponies
The MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)