Welcome to my Github Profile 👋
I'm Sheersho. I work as a full-time software engineer. In my spare time I do open-sourcing (normally it is about 1-2 hours in the morning before the work). Most of my open-source projects below 👇🏻 are focused on one thing - to help people learn 📚. You may use these projects to learn about algorithms in JavaScript and get prepared for technical interviews, or to learn Python syntax and start experimenting with machine learning algorithms and math behind them, etc. I also write articles about life, web-development and machine learning.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Enterprise Projects with React since the last year.
- 📝 I write stuff at sheersho.github.io
- 🌱 I’m currently learning/exploring Rust, Golang besides all the latest and great things happening in the Front-end/Javascript ecosystem.
- 💬 Ask me about all things modern JS - Type-safety, Frameworks/Libraries, Meta-frameworks/SSGs, Server-side Runtimes, Tooling + DBs/DBs-as-service/cloud/Querying layers, GraphQL, etc.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him
Institution | Educaction | Result | Passed Out |
Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida | B.Tech in Computer Science (CSE) | 6.01 CGPA | 2019 |
DAV Public School Sector 14, Gurgaon | 6th-12th - HS and Secondary | 91.4% All India CBSE | 2015 |