👨💻 I'm a Cyber Security enthusiast, currently developing a Python-based framework for connectors. I'm always learning and exploring new technologies, including Rust, energy-efficient programming, and computer systems from a programmer's perspective.
🤝 I'm looking to collaborate on open source Cyber Security products and would appreciate help in understanding how Rust can be used in this space.
💬 You can ask me about Python, System Architecture & Design, AWS, and Automations. My projects are available on Github and I regularly write articles on Medium.
📫 You can reach me at shelkesays@gmail.com and learn about my experiences on LinkedIn.
⚡ Fun fact: I'm 100% caffeine-fueled, powering my passion for innovation and pushing boundaries in the world of Cyber Security.
kids-and-tech, cyber-security-engineer, online-safety, cyber-security-awareness, cybersecurity
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cybersecurity, vulnerability, kids-and-tech, cyber-security-awareness, online-safety
kids-and-tech, cybersecurity, online-safety, cyber-security-awareness, cyber-threat
impersonation, online-safety, cybersecurity, cyber-security-awareness, kids-and-tech