๐ Interactive Flask/Bokeh dashboard for COVID-19 data in Canada: covid-can-dash.herokuapp.com
The website might take long to load on Heroku because it puts the web app to sleep when not in use. It will load much faster locally.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The above link will not display graphs correctly right now, as the code needs to be updated follwoing changes to the upstream API it depends on.
Our lives have been structurally and materially altered by the global pandemic in a multitude of ways. Interested in analyzing the growth rate of the novel coronavirus, I built a web app to calculate and track the increase in total coronavirus cases by province in Canada. It pulls JSON data from api.covid19api.com.
Check out the link to the live web app, or clone this repository, run pip install -r requirements.txt
and then flask run
Special thanks to Michelle Illing for curating the color palette.