tfvar is a Terraform's variable definitions template generator. It scans your Terraform configurations or modules and extracts the variables into formats of your choice for editing, e.g., tfvar, environment variables, etc.
For Terraform configuration that has input variables declared, e.g.,
variable "image_id" {
type = string
variable "availability_zone_names" {
type = list(string)
default = ["us-west-1a"]
variable "docker_ports" {
type = list(object({
internal = number
external = number
protocol = string
default = [
internal = 8300
external = 8300
protocol = "tcp"
tfvar will search for all input variables and generate template that helps user populates those variables easily:
$ tfvar . availability_zone_names = ["us-west-1a"] docker_ports = [{ external = 8300, internal = 8300, protocol = "tcp" }] image_id = null
Note that default values are assigned to the definitions by default as shown above. Use the
options to ignore the default values.$ tfvar . --ignore-default availability_zone_names = null docker_ports = null image_id = null
tfvar also provides other output formats:
In environment variable formats with
flag:$ tfvar . -e export TF_VAR_availability_zone_names='["us-west-1a"]' export TF_VAR_docker_ports='[{ external = 8300, internal = 8300, protocol = "tcp" }]' export TF_VAR_image_id=''
-r, --resource
flag outputs all variables astfe_variable
resource of Terraform Enterprise (tfe) provider. -
-w, --workspace
flag outputs all variables in the payload format for the Workspace Variables API which can used together withjq
to filter variables by key name.$ tfvar -w . | jq '. | select(.data.attributes.key == "region")' { "data": { "type": "vars", "attributes": { "key": "region", "value": "", "description": "", "category": "terraform", "hcl": false, "sensitive": false } } }
There is also
option for those who wants the values fromterraform.tfvars[.json]
, and environment variables (TF_VAR_
followed by the name of a declared variable) to be assigned to the generated definitions automatically.$ export TF_VAR_availability_zone_names='["custom_zone"]' $ tfvar . --auto-assign availability_zone_names = ["custom_zone"] docker_ports = [{ external = 8300, internal = 8300, protocol = "tcp" }] image_id = null
Like the
terraform (plan|apply)
CLI tool, individual vairables can also be specified via--var
option.$ tfvar . --var=availability_zone_names='["custom_zone"]' --var=image_id=abc123 availability_zone_names = ["custom_zone"] docker_ports = [{ external = 8300, internal = 8300, protocol = "tcp" }] image_id = "abc123"
Variables in file can also be specified via
option.$ cat my.tfvars image_id = "xyz" $ tfvar . --var-file my.tfvars availability_zone_names = ["us-west-1a"] docker_ports = [{ external = 8300, internal = 8300, protocol = "tcp" }] image_id = "xyz"
Multiple files can be specified via providing more
options, variables overrides as forterraform
command.$ cat my.tfvars image_id = "xyz" $ cat other.tfvars image_id = "abc" $ tfvar . --var-file my.tfvars --var-file other.tfvars image_id = "abc"
For more info, checkout the --help
$ tfvar --help
Generate variable definitions template for Terraform module as
one would write it in variable definitions files (.tfvars).
tfvar [DIR] [flags]
-a, --auto-assign Use values from environment variables TF_VAR_* and
variable definitions files e.g. terraform.tfvars[.json] *.auto.tfvars[.json]
-d, --debug Print debug log on stderr
-e, --env-var Print output in export TF_VAR_image_id=ami-abc123 format
-h, --help help for tfvar
--ignore-default Do not use defined default values
-r, --resource Print output in Terraform Enterprise (tfe) provider's tfe_variable resource format
--var stringArray Set a variable in the generated definitions.
This flag can be set multiple times.
--var-file stringArray Set variables from a file.
This flag can be set multiple times.
-v, --version version for tfvar
-w, --workspace Print output variables as payloads for Workspace Variables API
brew install shihanng/tfvar/tfvar
sudo port install tfvar
curl -sLO
dpkg -i tfvar_linux_amd64.deb
rpm -ivh
The release page contains binaries built for various platforms. Download the version matches your environment (e.g. linux_amd64
) and place the binary in the executable $PATH
e.g. /usr/local/bin
curl -sL | \
tar xz -C /usr/local/bin/ tfvar
With Go already installed in your system, use go get
go get
or clone this repo and make install
git clone
cd tfvar
make install
Want to add missing feature? Found bug 🐛? Pull requests and issues are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change ❤️.
make lint
make test
should help with the idiomatic Go styles and unit-tests.