A dash of Zappa for the client.
$(document).ready -> moonshine ->
# Routing is based on the hash (without the `#` sign).
@get '': ->
($ 'body').html @render 'index', title: 'Foo Bar'
@get '/foo': ->
($ 'body').html @render 'foo'
($ '.boo').click =>
@post '/boo'
@get '/boo': ->
($ 'body').html @render 'boo', lines: [ 'hello', 'world' ]
# Render may use HTML or CSS snippets:
@view index: ->
# HTML via coffeecup
div ->
h1 @title
p 'Welcome!'
p ->
a href:'#/foo', 'Go foo!'
span ' | '
a href:'#/boo', 'Go boo!'
@view foo: ->
div ->
a href:'#', 'Back home'
a class:'boo' # This one is activated via a `.click` method above.
@view boo: ->
ul ->
for line in @lines
li -> line
p -> "That's all folks!"
bower intall moonshine
or if using browserify
npm install moonshine-browserify
Note: jQuery is used in the examples above to locate entities but is not required for moonshine to work.
inserts helpers inside views.
defines new (coffeecup) views.
routes based on the hash-tag.
@render view, {params}
renders a view with the given parameters.
@post route, {query}
re-routes, optionally with new query paramaters.
@redirect route
re-routes by changing the hash-tag.
contains the query parameters sent by @post
, if any.