This project contains implementations of memory networks. This includes code in the following subdirectories:
MemN2N-lang-model: This code trains MemN2N model for language modeling, see Section 5 of the paper "End-To-End Memory Networks". This code is implemented in Torch7 (written in Lua); more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
MemN2N-babi-matlab: The code for the MemN2N bAbI task experiments of Section 4 of the paper:
S. Sukhbaatar, A. Szlam, J. Weston, R. Fergus. End-To-End Memory Networks. arXiv:1503.08895.
This code is implemented in Matlab; more documentation is given in the README in that subdirectory.
- 添加了未登录词的处理方案 在字典建立过程中,只用Train的预料,加入了10个 unknown词位,用来替换测试过程中引入的未登录词。
- 训练函数,一直用不加softmax的来跑(这个很关键,否则根本没法跑)
- 制作多样性的预料 facebook Q20的语料中,词典数目实在太少了,不能体现真正的逻辑功能。没有说服力。我加入了很多完全随机的数字来替换某些中文字。并且语式也维持了多样。事实证明效果依然不错,肯定了模型的能力。
- 还有一些trick只能在代码里体现了。