generate DNA Structural Variation from FASTA format (Node.js)
npm install svgen
# get information sv and snp randomly generated.
svbedgen sample.fasta > sv.bed
# get fasta with SV and SNP designated in a bed file
svgen sv.bed sample.fasta > chr11_sv.fasta
# get converted coordinates caused by SVs
svcoordinate sample.fasta sv.bed coordinate.bed > new_coordinate.bed
**** svbedgen ****
svbedgen <fasta file>
** length: the lengths of SVs.
--svlen <int> mean length of SVs. default:1500
--inslen <int> mean length of insertions. default: the same as "svlen" option. if 0, then no insertions are registered.
--dellen <int> mean length of deletions. default: the same as "svlen" option. if 0, then no deletions are registered.
--invlen <int> mean length of inversions. default: the same as "svlen" option. if 0, then no inversions are registered.
--duplen <int> mean length of tandem duplications. default: the same as "svlen" option. if 0, then no tandem duplications are registered.
--tralen <int> mean length of translocations. default: the same as "svlen" option. if 0, then no translocations are registered.
** deviation : standard deviation of each SVs.
--svdev <int> stddev of SVs. default:300
--insdev <int> stddev of insertions. default: the same as "svlen" option
--deldev <int> stddev of deletions. default: the same as "svlen" option
--invdev <int> stddev of inversions. default: the same as "svlen" option
--dupdev <int> stddev of tandem duplications. default: the same as "svdev" option.
--tradev <int> stddev of translocations. default: the same as "svlen" option
** number: total number of SVs.
--sv <int> the number of SVs to register. default:10000. If each SV is specifically designated its number, that configuration priors to this.
** rate : the rate of each SV type, determined by the following rule.
* let "total" be the sum of each num, i.e. insnum, delnum, invnum, dupnum and tranum.
* the rate of each SV is x / total, where x is one of insnum, delnum, invnum, dupnum or tranum.
--insnum <int> for insertions. default: 200.
--delnum <int> for deletions. default: 200.
--invnum <int> for inversions. default: 200.
--dupnum <int> for tandem duplications. default: 200.
--tranum <int> for translocations. default: 200.
** repeat number of tandem duplication.
--duprep <int> mean repeat folds of tandem duplications. default: 40.
--duprdev <int> stddev of repeat folds of tandem duplications. default: 10.
** configuration for SNP.
* for simplicity, only single nucleotide alteration is supported.
--snprate reciprocal rate to insert SNP default:10000 (1/10000). if 0, then no SNPs are registered.
** configuration for a fasta file.
--rnames <sequence id1>[,sequence_id2,...] sequence ids to use. default: null (use all rnames in a fasta file.)
--json <json file> fasta summary file to shortcut calculation.
**** svgen ****
svgen <bed file> <fasta file>
--rnames|-r <sequence id1>[,sequence_id2,...] sequence ids to use. default: null (use all rnames in a fasta file.)
--json|-j <json file> fasta summary file to shortcut calculation.
[bed file columns]
rname start-position end-position SVtype(DEL|INS|INV|DUP|TRA|SNP) length extra-info
**** svcoordinate ****
svcoordinate <fasta file> <sv bed file> <coordinate bed file>
--nosort : not using sort toward coordinate bed file
--verbose|-v: verbose logging