This utility helps convert Amnezia client configurations between JSON and a "connection string". You can also use the qrencode utility to generate a QR code for the client.
docker build -t amnezia-builder .
id=$(docker create amnezia-builder)
docker cp ${id}:/code/artifacts/amnezia-utils .
docker rm ${id}
Usage: amnezia-utils [-e|-d] [input_file|-]
-e Encode JSON data
-d Decode Amnezia configuration
-h Display this help message
The utility can handle data either from a file (you provide the file path) or directly from the system pipe.
amnezia-utils -e awg_config.json | sed "s/vpn:\/\///" | qrencode -o qr.png
The only non-standard system library is
To install it on Ubuntu or Debian systems, simply run apt install libqt6core6