Graph calculations in scala. DFS, BFS, Dijkstras algorithm, eccentricity, radius and diameter of a graph.
Navigate to root folder ~/Graph
Run via terminal
sbt compile
sbt test
Run via IntelliJ:
Open the sbt project in intellij and use the UI way of running tests.
Navigate on the terminal to scala folder: src/main/scala
Open scala REPL, by typing in scala
on terminal:
Run the following command:
scala> :load CommonTypes.scala
scala> :load RandomGraph.scala
scala> :load Dijkstra.scala
scala> val g = RandomGraph.generate(5, 5)
scala> val g1 = Map(1 -> Map(2 -> 1, 3 -> 1), 2 -> Map(3 -> 1), 3 -> Map(1 -> 1)) // Manual Graph creation
scala> Dijkstra.shortestPath(g.get, 1, 4)
scala> Dijkstra.eccentricity(g.get, 1)
scala> Dijkstra.radius(g.get)
scala> Dijkstra.diameter(g.get)
For testing Dfs and Bfs
scala> :load DfsBfsWeighted.scala
scala> DfsBfsWeighted.dfs(1, g.get)
scala> DfsBfsWeighted.bfs(1, g.get)
- I could have written lot more unit tests, but I have written to check things would work. Some cases might have been missed out.
- Random weight choosen between 1 and 10, so it's easy to manually calculate.
- Initially tried writing clojure, but I felt it's not easy for a rookie to write best clojure in one shot. So had to fall back to Scala.