- Elevator pitch: At a time of social distancing and health concerns we created an application that brings the pharmacy at your door. Our application is the solution to having your medication and treatments in your hands without jeopordizing your own health and others health. In addition, through the app we demonstrate a full transaction from purchase to delivery while tracking orders in real-time.
- Concept: A web application that acts as a pharmacy e-commerce site and delivery service.
- User Story: As a customer I would like my medication deliver to me when I am sick so that I do not have to go out and expose my illness to everyone.
- Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery, AJAX, MySql, Sequelize, Node.js, Express.js, API (Walgreens API)
- Challenges: New folder structure, Schema association
- Successes: Complete collaboration amongst team, building an application that functions with a database
Tasks and Roles
1. Creating database
2. Researching APIs and getting keys
3. Creating user interface (UI)
4. Connecting database with UI
5. Coding and building
6. Testing
7. Creating demo presentation
- Implement taking medical prescriptions on API calls
- Include payment functionality
- Copyright the application
Richard Capuy
Suraj Gurung
Deepali Jain
Shivani Jha
Phillip Manapat