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UPGRADING FROM 12.x to 13.0

The releases of Shopsys Platform adhere to the Backward Compatibility Promise to make the upgrades to new versions easier and help long-term maintainability.

Recommended way of upgrading

Since there are two possible scenarios how you can use the Shopsys Platform, instructions are divided into these scenarios.

You use our packages only

Follow the instructions in relevant sections, e.g. shopsys/coding-standards or shopsys/http-smoke-testing.

You are developing a project based on the project-base repository

  • upgrade only your composer dependencies and follow the instructions in the guide below
  • upgrade locally first. After you fix all issues caused by the upgrade, commit your changes, test your application and then continue with a deployment onto your server
  • upgrade one version at a time:
    • start with a working application
    • upgrade to the next version
    • fix all the issues you encounter
    • repeat
  • check the instructions in all sections, any of them could be relevant for you
  • the typical upgrade sequence should be:
    • run docker-compose down --volumes to turn off your containers
    • (macOS only) run mutagen-compose down --volumes instead
    • follow upgrade notes in the Infrastructure section (related with docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile, docker containers, nginx.conf, php.ini, etc.)
    • run docker-compose build --no-cache --pull to build your images without a cache and with the latest version
    • run docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans to start the application again
    • update the shopsys/* dependencies in composer.json to version you are upgrading to
      • eg. "shopsys/framework": "v7.0.0"
    • follow upgrade notes in the Composer dependencies section (related with composer.json)
    • run composer update shopsys/* --with-dependencies
    • update the @shopsys/framework package in your package.json (in "dependencies" section) to the version you are upgrading to
      • eg. "@shopsys/framework": "9.0.4",
    • run npm install to update the NPM dependencies
    • follow all upgrade notes you have not done yet
    • run php phing clean
    • run php phing db-migrations to run the database migrations
    • test your app locally
    • commit your changes
    • run composer update to update the rest of your dependencies, test the app again and commit composer.lock
  • if any of the database migrations does not suit you, there is an option to skip it, see our Database Migrations docs
  • even if we care a lot about these instructions, it is possible we miss something. In case something doesn't work after the upgrade, you'll find more information in the CHANGELOG

The version 13.0.0 of the Shopsys Platform is a huge milestone in the history of the project. It brings a lot of new features and improvements, but also some breaking changes.

The most significant change is the replacement of the Twig storefront with a JS Storefront built in Next.js. This change is a major shift in the way the storefront operates and is customized.

You have three options for upgrading to version 13.0.0:

  1. Keep the existing Twig storefront without incorporating new features This is the simplest option, but you won't be able to take advantage of the new features introduced in version 13.0.0. You still get the fixes, and you will be ready to upgrade to the new storefront in the future.
  2. Keep the existing Twig storefront and add new features This option allows you to benefit from the new features while keeping your existing storefront. However, you will need to implement these features on the storefront yourself.
  3. Reinvent the storefront and use new features This is the most comprehensive option. You will replace your Twig storefront with the new JS Storefront powered by GraphQL. This will allow you to take full advantage of all the new features and improvements in version 13.0.0.

Option 1: Keep the existing Twig storefront without incorporating new features

This is a quick and easy option that will allow you to upgrade to version 13.0.0 without major changes in your storefront. You will be able to take advantage of the new features in the future when you decide.

  • you will need to update the shopsys/* dependencies to version 13.0.0 and then follow the common steps for all upgrade options
    • it's possible that some DB migrations will be missing in the project-base, if so, you can add them manually following the output of the db-check Phing target

Option 2: Keep the existing Twig storefront and add new features

This option allows you to benefit from the new features while keeping your existing storefront.

You will need to follow these steps:

  • update the shopsys/* dependencies to version 13.0.0
  • follow the common steps for all upgrade options
  • examine the changes in the project-base and apply them to your project
    • this may be the most time-consuming part of the upgrade depending on the size of your project and the nature of custom changes
  • for any new feature you want to use (improved Stocks, Stores, Opening hours, Blog articles, etc.) you will need to implement the functionality on your existing Twig Storefront

Option 3: Reinvent the storefront and use new features

This is the most comprehensive option, but allows you to fully benefit from all the new features and improvements in version 13.0.0.

You will need to follow these steps:

  • update the shopsys/* dependencies to version 13.0.0
  • enable Frontend API
  • follow the common steps for all upgrade options
  • examine the changes in the project-base and apply them to your project
  • adjust the existing JS storefront to your needs
    • you can use the new JS storefront as a starting point for your customizations
    • you will need to adjust the design to match your needs
    • you will need to implement the customizations from your previous storefront implementation

Common steps for all upgrade options

  • split functional and frontend-api tests into separate suites (#2641)
  • use TestCurrencyProvider from the framework (#2662)
    • remove class Tests\App\Functional\Model\Pricing\Currency\TestCurrencyProvider and use Tests\FrameworkBundle\Test\Provider\TestCurrencyProvider instead
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • fix S3Bridge bundle name (#2648)
  • add opening hours to stores (#2660)
    • Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Domain\Config\DomainConfig
      • method __construct changed its interface
            public function __construct(
        +       DateTimeZone $dateTimeZone,
                $stylesDirectory = self::STYLES_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT,
                $stylesDirectory = self::STYLES_DIRECTORY_DEFAULT,
                $designId = null,
            ) {
    • to start using opening hours of stores, set store opening hours in administration or create specialized migrations for it
      • after update add this to your migration: $this->sql('ALTER TABLE stores DROP COLUMN opening_hours');
    • add the new configuration option timezone to every domain in your config/domains.yaml and set it to the domain desired timezone
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • change url for listing personal detail from email (#2725)
  • fix product video UX (#2746)
  • fix filtering in ReadyCategorySeoMix (#2747)
  • update your tests to be multilingual (#2742)
    • add ContainerAwareInterface to migrations that use MultidomainMigrationTrait
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • fix Node.js and PostgreSQL installation in php-fpm docker image (#2758)
  • use shopsys/php-image docker image instead of building it in the project (#2762)
    • following files may be deleted as they are already present in the pre-built docker image
      • docker/php-fpm/docker-install-composer
      • docker/php-fpm/docker-php-entrypoint
      • docker/php-fpm/phing-completion
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • remove usage of article placement (#2776)
    • placement Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Article\Article::PLACEMENT_TOP_MENU was removed along with the usages
    • already existing articles with this placement will be migrated to Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\Article\Article::PLACEMENT_NONE placement
      • if you intend to keep using this placement, you can skip DB Migration Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Migrations\Version20230907132822
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • update your Elasticsearch Commands to support optional domainId (#2780)
    • \Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Command\Elasticsearch\AbstractElasticsearchIndexCommand
      • executeForIndex() changed its interface
          protected function executeForIndex(
              OutputInterface $output,
              AbstractIndex $index,
      +       ?int $domainId = null
          ): void
  • fix and improve JS translations in administration (#2779)
  • remove the misleading url addresses list from administration (#2782)
    • Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Admin\SuperadminController
      • method __construct changed its interface
            public function __construct(
                protected readonly ModuleList $moduleList,
                protected readonly ModuleFacade $moduleFacade,
                protected readonly PricingSetting $pricingSetting,
                protected readonly DelayedPricingSetting $delayedPricingSetting,
        -       protected readonly GridFactory $gridFactory,
                protected readonly Localization $localization,
                protected readonly LocalizedRouterFactory $localizedRouterFactory,
                protected readonly MailSettingFacade $mailSettingFacade,
                protected readonly MailerSettingProvider $mailerSettingProvider,
                protected readonly AdminDomainTabsFacade $adminDomainTabsFacade,
            ) {
      • method loadDataForUrls() was removed
  • Products – Exposed in Stores, Category - SVG icon, and Category - Short description have been removed (#2777)
    • if you use this functionality (e.g., from Commerce Cloud version), you can skip DB migration 20230908095905
  • adjust test for variant creation from products with images (#2802)
    • edit Tests\App\Functional\Model\Product\ProductVariantCreationTest::testVariantWithImageCanBeCreated
          $mainVariant = $this->productVariantFacade->createVariant($mainProduct, $variants);
      -   $this->assertContainsAllVariants([$mainProduct, ...$variants], $mainVariant);
      +   $this->assertContainsAllVariants($variants, $mainVariant);
  • rewrite the GetOrdersAsAuthenticatedCustomerUserTest test (#2805)
  • change default db server in adminer in local environment (#2803)
  • allow quick searching in promo codes (#2786)
    • method Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Admin\PromoCodeController::listAction changed its interface:
      -    public function listAction()
      +    public function listAction(Request $request): Response
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • stop wrapping Frontend API queries in database transaction (#2809)
  • add order filter by domain in admin (#2796)
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
    • see also project-base-diff (#2844) for permission fix
    • Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Admin\CategoryController
      • method __construct changed its interface
            public function __construct(
                protected readonly CategoryFacade $categoryFacade,
                protected readonly CategoryDataFactoryInterface $categoryDataFactory,
                protected readonly Domain $domain,
                protected readonly BreadcrumbOverrider $breadcrumbOverrider,
        -       protected readonly RequestStack $requestStack,
        +       protected readonly AdminDomainFilterTabsFacade $adminDomainFilterTabsFacade,
            ) {
      • constant ALL_DOMAINS was removed
      • method listDomainTabsAction() was removed
    • Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Admin\OrderController
      • method __construct changed its interface
            public function __construct(
                protected readonly OrderFacade $orderFacade,
                protected readonly AdvancedSearchOrderFacade $advancedSearchOrderFacade,
                protected readonly OrderItemPriceCalculation $orderItemPriceCalculation,
                protected readonly AdministratorGridFacade $administratorGridFacade,
                protected readonly GridFactory $gridFactory,
                protected readonly BreadcrumbOverrider $breadcrumbOverrider,
                protected readonly OrderItemFacade $orderItemFacade,
                protected readonly Domain $domain,
                protected readonly OrderDataFactoryInterface $orderDataFactory,
        +       protected readonly AdminDomainFilterTabsFacade $adminDomainFilterTabsFacade,
            ) {
    • Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\AdvancedSearch\OrderAdvancedSearchConfig
      • method __construct changed its interface
            public function __construct(
                OrderNumberFilter $orderNumberFilter,
                OrderCreateDateFilter $orderCreateDateFilter,
                OrderPriceFilterWithVatFilter $orderPriceFilterWithVatFilter,
        -       OrderDomainFilter $orderDomainFilter,
                OrderStatusFilter $orderStatusFilter,
                OrderProductFilter $orderProductFilter,
                OrderPhoneNumberFilter $orderPhoneNumberFilter,
                OrderStreetFilter $orderStreetFilter,
                OrderNameFilter $orderNameFilter,
                OrderLastNameFilter $orderLastNameFilter,
                OrderEmailFilter $orderEmailFilter,
                OrderCityFilter $orderCityFilter,
        -       Domain $domain,
            ) {
    • class Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Model\AdvancedSearchOrder\Filter\OrderDomainFilter was removed
    • Twig template @ShopsysFramework/Admin/Content/Category/domainTabs.html.twig was removed
  • prevent FileNotFoundException on a second flush of uploaded file (#2655)
    • interface Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\FileUpload\EntityFileUploadInterface has new method
          public function setFileKeyAsUploaded(string $key): void;
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • allow elasticsearch different index setting per environment for elasticsearch (#2823)
    • new environment variable FORCE_ELASTIC_LIMITS may be used to force 1 shard and 0 replicas for elasticsearch indexes regardless of the settings in index definition JSON files
    • method Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Elasticsearch\IndexDefinition::__construct() changed its interface
          public function __construct(
              protected readonly string $indexName,
              protected readonly string $definitionsDirectory,
              protected readonly string $indexPrefix,
              protected readonly int $domainId,
      +       protected readonly IndexDefinitionModifier $indexDefinitionModifier,
          ) {
    • method Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Elasticsearch\IndexDefinitionLoader::__construct() changed its interface
          public function __construct(
              protected readonly string $indexDefinitionsDirectory,
              protected readonly string $indexPrefix,
      +       protected readonly IndexDefinitionModifier $indexDefinitionModifier,
          ) {
    • see project-base-diff to update your project
  • update overblog settings to embrace composer autoloader for faster class loading (#2830)
  • add ability to set readable frequency name to your cron (#2854)
    • method Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Cron\Config\CronConfig::registerCronModuleInstance() changed its interface
          public function registerCronModuleInstance(
              string $serviceId,
              string $timeHours,
              string $timeMinutes,
              string $instanceName,
              ?string $readableName = null,
      +       ?string $readableFrequency = null,
              int $runEveryMin = CronModuleConfig::RUN_EVERY_MIN_DEFAULT,
              int $timeoutIteratedCronSec = CronModuleConfig::TIMEOUT_ITERATED_CRON_SEC_DEFAULT,
          ) {
    • method Shopsys\FrameworkBundle\Component\Cron\Config\CronModuleConfig::__construct() changed its interface
          public function __construct(
              protected readonly SimpleCronModuleInterface|IteratedCronModuleInterface $service,
              protected readonly string $serviceId,
              protected readonly string $timeHours,
              protected readonly string $timeMinutes,
              protected readonly ?string $readableName = null,
      +       protected readonly ?string $readableFrequency = null,
              protected readonly int $runEveryMin = self::RUN_EVERY_MIN_DEFAULT,
              protected readonly int $timeoutIteratedCronSec = self::TIMEOUT_ITERATED_CRON_SEC_DEFAULT,
          ) {
  • update LICENSE in your project as LICENSE has changed with this version (#2849)