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forked from RiS3-Lab/p2im

This is the source code for P2IM paper (accepted to Usenix Security'20)


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This is the repo for P2IM: Scalable and Hardware-independent Firmware Testing via Automatic Peripheral Interface Modeling, a USENIX Security'20 paper. Paper, slides, and presentation video are available here.

P2IM conducts firmware testing in a generic processor emulator (QEMU). P2IM automatically models the processor-peripheral interface (i.e., peripheral register and interrupt) to handle the peripherals that are not supported by the emulator. Our follow-up work of P2IM, DICE: Automatic Emulation of DMA Input Channels for Dynamic Firmware Analysis, is accepted to IEEE S&P'21. Similar to P2IM, DICE tests firmware in QEMU. However, DICE supports firmware that uses DMA (Direct Memory Access) by automatically modeling the DMA input channels. DICE is open sourced here.

Directory structure of the repo

├── afl                           # fuzzer source code
├── docs                          # more documentation
├── externals                     # git submodules referencing external git repos for unit tests, real firmware, and ground truth
├── fuzzing
│   └── templates                 # "random" seeds and configuration file template to bootstrap fuzzing
├── model_instantiation           # scripts for instantiating processor-peripheral interface model and fuzzing the firmware
├── qemu
│   ├── build_scripts             # scripts for building QEMU from source code
│   ├── precompiled_bin           # pre-compiled QEMU binary for a quick start
│   └── src                       # QEMU source code. AFL and QEMU system mode emulation integration is based on TriforceAFL.
└── utilities
    ├── coverage                  # scripts for counting fuzzing coverage
    └── model_stat                # scripts for calculating statistics of the processor-peripheral interface model instantiated


All steps have been tested on 64-bit Ubuntu 16.04.

Cloning all git submodules

# submodules are cloned into externals/
git submodule update --init

git submodules are binded to a specific commit. Updates in submodules can be fetched by

git submodule update --remote

GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain

  1. Download the toolchain from here.
  2. Untar the downloaded file by tar xjf *.tar.bz2.
  3. Add bin/ directory extracted into your $PATH environment variable.
  4. Test if the toolchain is added to $PATH successfully by which arm-none-eabi-gcc.


# Compile AFL
make -C afl/


You can either use the pre-compiled QEMU binary, or build QEMU from source code following this instruction.


During fuzzing, P2IM instantiates processor-peripheral interface model on-demand (i.e., multiple rounds of model instantiation). The fuzzer-generated test cases are fed into the firmware when a DR is read.

The steps to fuzz a firmware by P2IM are as follows.

Firmware preparation

You can fuzz one of the 10 real-world firmware fuzz-tested in the P2IM paper, or prepare your own firmware for fuzzing following this instruction.

Creating working directory

All data related to fuzzing is stored in the working directory.

mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR}

Then copy the firmware ELF file (instead of the .bin file) to the working directory.

Preparing seed files

AFL requires a seed file to start. P2IM does not require any specific seed file (such as well-formated seeds). We used a "random" seed when fuzz-tested the real-world firmware.

# Copy the "random" seed to the working directory
cp -r <repo_path>/fuzzing/templates/seeds/ ${WORKING_DIR}/inputs

Preparing the configuration file

A template for the configuration file is available here

# Copy the template to the working directory
cp <repo_path>/fuzzing/templates/fuzz.cfg.template fuzz.cfg

Please edit the configuration file following the instructions in the template. You can find which mcu/board the 10 real-world firmware are based on in Table 7 of our paper.

Launching fuzzer

Please make sure there is no previously instantiated model in ${WORKING_DIR} before launching fuzzer.

<repo_path>/model_instantiation/ -c fuzz.cfg

Analyzing fuzzing results

Result organization

.                                # working directory
├── ...
├── 0                            # round 0 of model instantiation. This is the first round, in which all-zero input is provided
│   ├── peripheral_model.json    # the model instantiated after this round
│   └── ...
├── 0.<seed_file_name>.<number>  # rounds of on-demand model instantiation triggered by seed inputs
│   ├── aflFile                  # input that triggers this round of model instantiation (here is the seed input)
│   ├── peripheral_model.json    # the model instantiated after this round
│   └── ...
├── <number>                     # Rounds of on-demand model instantiation triggered by fuzzer-generated inputs. <number> is any integer larger than 0.
│   ├── aflFile                  # fuzzer-generated input that triggers this round of model instantiation
│   ├── peripheral_model.json    # the model instantiated after this round
│   └── ...
├── ...
├── <firmware_elf>
├── fuzz.cfg
├── inputs                       # seeds required by AFL
├── me.log                       # log of on-demand model instantiation
└── outputs                      # AFL-generated test cases (they are inputs to the firmware fed by P2IM at DR read)
    ├── crashes                  # crashing test cases
    ├── fuzz_bitmap              # AFL coverage map
    ├── fuzzer_stats             # AFL statistics
    ├── hangs                    # hanging test cases
    ├── ...
    ├── queue                    # all test cases that lead to distinctive execution path
    └──                # helper script for running firmware in QEMU, with the instantiated model 

Order of model instantiation round: 0, 0.seed1.1, 0.seed1.2, ..., 0.seed1.m1, 0.seed2.1, ..., 0.seed2.m2, 1, 2, ..., n. Round n is the last_round_of_model_instantiation.

Calculating fuzzing coverage

<repo_path>/utilities/coverage/ -c fuzz.cfg --model-if <last_round_of_model_instantiation>/peripheral_model.json

Coverage is output to ${WORKING_DIR}/coverage, organized as follows:

├── bbl_cnt                  # number of unique QEMU translation blocks executed
├── bbl_cov                  # execution frequency of each QEMU translation block. This is counted on all fuzzer-generated test cases
├── func_cov_merge_w_boot    # execution frequency of each instruction, grouped by functions. This is counted on all fuzzer-generated test cases
├── func_cov_w_boot          # function coverage
└── inst_cov_w_boot          # execution frequency of each instruction. This is counted on all fuzzer-generated test cases

Calculating statistics of the instantiated processor-peripheral interface model

# prints some statistics to stdout, some to stat.csv
<repo_path>/utilities/model_stat/ <last_round_of_model_instantiation>/peripheral_model.json externals/p2im-ground_truth/<ground_truth_for_the_mcu> stat.csv

Documentation for can be found here. Ground truth can be found here.

Analyzing crashing/hanging input automatically generates a helper script, ${WORKING_DIR}/, for running test cases. The script runs firmware in QEMU using the instantiated model.

Usage: ./ last_round_of_model_instantiation test_case [--debug]
       --debug argument is optional. It halts QEMU and wait for a debugger to be attached

To debug the firmware, do

# Run QEMU in debug mode 
./ last_round_of_model_instantiation test_case --debug

# Attach gdb
arm-none-eabi-gdb -ex 'target remote localhost:9000' <firmware_elf>

Running unit tests

Please refer to the documentation in externals/p2im-unit_tests/

More documentation

Please see docs/ for more documentation.

Please refer to our paper for more technical details of P2IM.


If you encounter any problem while using our tool, please open an issue.

For other communications, you can email bofengwork [at]

Citing our paper

@inproceedings {p2im,
title = {P2IM: Scalable and Hardware-independent Firmware Testing via Automatic Peripheral Interface Modeling},
author={Feng, Bo and Mera, Alejandro and Lu, Long},
booktitle = {29th {USENIX} Security Symposium ({USENIX} Security 20)},
year = {2020},
url = {},


This is the source code for P2IM paper (accepted to Usenix Security'20)







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  • C 93.4%
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  • Shell 1.5%
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  • Haxe 0.8%
  • Assembly 0.5%
  • Other 1.0%