Implementation of the paper "Communication-Efficient Federated Linear and Deep Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis" published in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. A shorter conference version of the paper was published in ICASSP 2022, found here.
Synthetic data experiment
Real data experiment in EHR data
Currently, Linear federated GCCA (CuteMaxVar) is implemented in MATLAB whereas Deep federated GCCA (Deep-CuteMaxVar) is implemented in python. The folder gcca
contains the source code for CuteMaxVar, whereas dgcca
contains the source code for Deep-CuteMaxVar.
For Linear GCCA
Download tensor_toolbox and make sure it is in your matlab path.
For Deep GCCA, run the following command to install the required packages
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch pandas scikit-learn scipy tqdm jupyter matplotlib
For CuteMaxVar:
$ cd gcca
$ matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('demo.m');exit;"
For Deep-CuteMaxVar:
$ cd dgcca
The folder dgcca
contains two subfolders toy_2d
and ehr
. The former contains the code for the synthetic data experiment, whereas the latter contains the code for the EHR data experiment. Training and visualization for synthetic data experiment is in
Whereas training and visualization for EHR data experiment is in