Centrifuge is an application to extract all the issues of a github organization and save it in a csv file.
$ go build
$ ./centrifuge -token <Access Token of the Github Account> -org <Organization's name for which the issues are to be extracted>
Filtering based on milestone
, labels
, status
is also available. Do
./centrifuge -h
Usage of ./centrifuge:
-format string
Format to store after extracting issue details(json|csv|html|md) (default "json")
-labels string
Filtering based on the labels marked to the issues(give comma-separated values)
-milestone string
Filtering based on the milestone assigned to the issues
-name string
file to save the extarcted issues, if empty it will print to stdout
-org string
Organization for which issues are to be searched
-status string
Filtering based on the status of the github issue(value can be either open or closed or all)(DEFAULT:all) (default "all")
-token string
Access Token of your github account, if this flag is NOT set it will read from environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN
-project string
Get the issues for a particular project