Fuzzing Android program with american fuzzy lop (AFL)
android-afl is a modified version of AFL that supports fuzzing on Android, the SHM has been replaced with ASHMEM because of Android disable SHM in the kernel. Extra codes have been added in afl-gcc.c, afl-as.c and afl-as.h to support arm arch. Android.mk has been added to support Android build system and llvm_mode. Please refer to the android-afl.patch for more details.
- Android source code(e.g. 6.0.1) is needed.
- llvm-5.0 and clang-5.0 are needed to provide support for llvm_mode on Android, you can install using
apt-get install llvm clang
on Ubuntu.
first, download and build the Android open-source project (AOSP). then, download all the android-afl source code to AOSP folder:
git clone https://github.com/ele7enxxh/android-afl
to build:
. build/envsetup.sh
cd android-afl
this will produce all afl binaries that you can use on host(e.g. Linux) or Android.
afl-gcc/afl-g++, afl-clang/afl-clang++ and afl-clang-fast/afl-clang-fast++ are all supported in android-afl. Please refer to android-afl-test for more details.
if you want fuzz on host, you should use the afl-fuzz in the bind_to_free_cpu
should been set. Please refer to AFl README for more details.
not all of the AFL tools have been tested on Android, but afl-fuzz has been working great on android-6.0.1 for me.
adb devices
adb push ../out/target/product/generic/system/bin/ /data/local/tmp