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MVVM To-Do List App with Flow and Architecture Components

A to-do list app that stores tasks in an SQLite database and can be searched and filtered by the user. Uses an MVVM architecture and the latest Android APIs and Kotlin language features, like Coroutines & Flow, Room, Jetpack DataStore, and Dagger Hilt.


  • Add Task: New task can be added by clicking on the + button in the bottom right corner of the screen

  • Edit Task: Task can be edited by directly clicking on the task name

  • Search Task: User can search for a particular task via search bar provided in the toolbar

  • Sort Task:

    • By Date created
    • By Name
  • Hide All Completed Tasks

  • Delete All Completed Tasks

  • Delete Task: Individual task can be deleted by either swiping left or right. A snackbar will appear after task is deleted if user wish to undo the delete action.