In this project, we learned about forms, from the very basic to the Railsy-er ones. We learned how the information is gotten from the form and passed to the controller to create a new record in the database. We applied the previously acquired knowledge of Validations and flash messages.
- Ruby > 2.6.5
- Rails > 6.0.3
To get started with the app, cd to the directory where you would like the repo to live by typing on your terminal:
$ cd <directory>
Clone the repo typing:
$ git clone
Install the needed gems:
$ bundle install
Finally, migrate the database:
$ rails db:migrate
- Ruby
- Rails
- VSCode
👤 Shubham Raj
- Github: @ShubhamRaj
- Linkedin: Shubham14p3
👤 Luis Angel Maldonado
- Github: @lmaldonadoch
- Twitter: @LuisAngelMCh
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
- Project requested by Microverse Program.
- Original project from The Odin Project.
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